Chapter 9

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Monday morning

I kept thinking about Jose all day and all night yesterday after he left my house it was weird I never thought about him that much I have no idea what's going on with me..

But I woke up did my usual routine got dressed and went downstairs the house was so quiet it was usually weird for my house to be this quiet when you live with 3 boys and little kids lol I went to the kitchen to see my second oldest brother standing over the stove trying to make some huveos (eggs)

But miserably failing at it like come on who can't make eggs so I walked over there
"you need some help with those eggs javie " I said laughing
"haha real funny I was trying to be a good big brother and make you some breakfast but you don't appreciate my kindness then you can starve yourself"
I busted out laughing "yea right"

"Hurry up I have to take you to school today Luis is at court with Miguel so I'm in charge today "

oh Yeaa that's right Miguel has gotten tickets left and right mostly for speeding and driving  while intoxicated smh my brothers need Jesus In their life's

"Okay well I'm ready but you gotta stop by Starbucks tho since I'm not eating your burnt eggs"

"Ay cállate (shut up)swear you are worse than a white girl mila"

"Hey I don't play with my Starbucks mister now get yo butt in the truck or im gonna take it and leave you here with no car"

no joke I will I did it before cause they didn't wanna take me to Starbucks so I took my self and since then they hide the keys from me but hey like I said I don't play with my Starbucks

"Ay esta niña está loca" (this girl is crazy) he said while putting his face in his hands

so we got into the car and the car ride there pretty much consisted of us trying to sing along to some spm songs key word trying we sounded like dying cats but before I knew it we were at my worse nightmare

"Okay be good in school have a good day I'll pick you up later remember we are going to abuelos house today"

"Okay bye javie"

I got off and closed the door I Walked inside looking for Loren I had a lot to tell her about this weekend I saw her across the hall and started getting excited I was practically running towards her

yelling her name when all of a sudden my head came in contact with a locker door and before I knew it I was laying down on the floor like a pancake(no literally)

"omg mila!!! Are you okay" Loren yelled kneeling down on the floor next to me
"yes I'm fine It just hurts like hell"

I said sitting up holding my head I finally realized it was really quite which is weird for a high school hallway I looked around seeing everyone just standing looking at me con cara de wtf this is more embarrassing then the time I dropped water all over my pants making it look like I peed on myself

"come on Mila lets get you a Ice pack" Loren said

helping me ip guiding me away from the crowded hallway of high school students who had nothing better to do than be metiches all in everybody's business.

The oneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora