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Muffled voices...

Muffled voices...



He threw the files across the room as he gripped his hair and sat down the bed. Tears streamed down his face as he glanced at the papers...

Farmaan – Why the fucking hell always happens to her?

He roared as the thunder stroke turning the clouds casket grey.

Rain poured amidst the shine of the sun. Aadhya entered the room, what all the ruckus was about. But stunned when he saw Farmaan CRYING?


Muffled voices...

Muffled voices...

Farmaan – What??

He frowned at the doctor's words.

Farmaan – He has what?

Doctor – Lacunar amnesia or partial amnesia. It's like a loss of memory of one particular event or to be more specific in this case, a person. It looks like he had a brain injury to the limbic system which controls all our emotions and memories.

Farmaan blinked.

Doctor – And his headache is probably because of his brain trying to recollect the memories.

Farmaan – So you're saying he....forgot about...her?

He asked unsure yet nervous about the still-reply the doctors were about to give. The doctors bit their lip in anxiety.

Doctors – We're sorry but that's the result.

The doctors said but felt uneasy due to the sudden atmosphere change. The aura that was from Farmaan was odd.

Farmaan – I should not hear anyone talking about this.

His voice was cold as ice. His eyes darkened as he glared at the doctor's confused face.

Farmaan – I don't want anyone knowing about this. Got it? No one should know about this.

He said as the doctors nodded in fear.

They left as he took a deep breath. Aadhya left to check up on Reena. Since she wasn't beside him, he was losing his mind.


Reena's hopeful eyes flashed across his mind as Aadhya knelt and caressed his shoulder.

Aadhya – What happened? What did the doctors say?

She asked. Farmaan felt the lump on his throat. He felt like he would cry any minute now if she asks anymore questions.

Aadhya – Love? What happened? Is everything all right?

She asked softly caressing his hair.

Farmaan took a deep shaky breath which concerned her even more. All kind of scenarios were playing on her head.

Farmaan – He has Partial amnesia.

Aadhya blinked not being able to process what he just said.

Aadhya – Partial amnesia??

Farmaan nodded while burying his head with his hands.

Aadhya – So......he forgot....her?

She asked as a sob left his mouth.

PARTIAL LOVE|KGFWhere stories live. Discover now