A man in your eyes - Suzy (Former Miss A/Soloist/Actress)

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 requested by: LockyPuckyHucky
Suzy (Former Miss A/Soloist/Actress) x Male Reader

Info: You are JYP's nephew. You were born on March 29, 1999

Italicized - Thoughts

Y/n - your name
Y/n/n - nickname

December 13, 2009

You were in the JYP building celebrating your uncle's birthday today. Your uncle, JYP, invited your fmaily to have a little celebration with his staff, trainess, and idols under him. While walking through the hallways of the building alone, you bumped into someone making you fall down on your butt

" Ouch" You exclaimed rubbing your butt

" Omo are you okay?" The person you bumped into asked. You perked your head up to realize she was too close to your face and leaned back your head

" Yeah I'm fine" She offered her hand to help you get up while you dusted your pants 

" Are you a new trainee here? It's the first time I've seen you" 

" Ahh no I'm not. I'm just here for my uncle's birthday" 

" Is your uncle perhaps JYP pd-nim?" You nodded your head making her smile

" I'm Bae Su-ji" 

" Park Y/n" Both of you shook hands and you explained to her how you got lost when you went to the bathroom. She offered to help you walk back to the party place as well as give you a tour of the building

" Y/n! Where have you been? I've been looking for you" Your mother exclaimed while embracing you as she was relieved you were found

" Thank you for bringing him back. Did he cause you any trouble?" 

" Yah mom!" You wanted to protest to her but Suji was shaking her head

" It's no problem at all Mrs. Park. I bumped into him in the hall way and brought him back here" JYP and your father came into the seen 

" Ohh Suji-ah you found Y/n" JYp noticed Suji first and your father embraced you in a hug

" It was no problem pd-nim. I had fun accompanying Y/n on the way here" 

" Y/n thank her for bringing you back" Your father nudged you to thank Suji

" Thank you noona for the tour and for bringing me back" Suji smiled crouching down to your head level

" Don't get lost again okay? Take care Y/n/n" You were blushing when she gave you a nickname while rubbing your head and you went back to the party. After your interaction with each other, you would frequently visit the company building with the disguise of seeing your uncle but your ultimate motive was to meet with Suji and hang out with her. Your frequent visits made you close together as friends and would later turn to becoming best friends

 July 16, 2022

You pursued a career in music and became a music producer for JYP after you graduated. Despite being a relative to JYP himself, you showcased your talents by producing hit songs for StrayKidz, Twice, Itzy, and now Nmixx. It showed that you had the talent and skills to be the main producer for most of the songs shutting down all the rumors about you and JYP. Currently you were in the recording room of Twice recording their upcoming comeback with Jihyo being the last one to record her parts

" Okay Jihyo you good to go?" 

" Ne!" Jihyo and you were close with each other since she has been a trainee when she was young and you would often visit JYP when you were kids hence you two are the closest among the girls in Twice

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