Jealousy - Haerin (New Jeans)

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Requested by: JichuAegi
Haerin ( NeewJeans) X Male Reader

Italicized - Thoughts
Bold - Vietnamese
Underlined - English
Normal - Korean

Info: You are the twin brother of Hanni. You and her moved to South Korea when she got accepted to be a trainee. Your parents didn't want her to be all alone so they decided to send both of you to South Korea. You got scouted because of your visuals and have been a young actor ever since

Y/n - name
Y/n/n - nickname

October 6, 2023

Today was you and your sister's birthday and you are on their way to the dorm since Hanni invited you to meet her members. They just recently released a new song and you had it on repeat on the drive their with your manager

" So I'll pick you up tomorrow morning and you better be ready before lunchtime okay Y/n?" Your manager informed as you just nodded your head at her but she knew you only half listening

" If you're not ready by the time I arrive then I'm taking your console for a week" 

" Yah noona I said I can be ready" You pouted in front of her making her chuckle

" Then you better be. Have fun on your day" She drove off leaving you in front of HYBE. Walking towards the door, you were greeted by the security guard who already recognized you from your constant visit with your sister

" Hey Y/n. Happy birthday" The receptionist greeted before handing him a visitors card

" Thanks noona" Receiving the card, he headed to the elevator already knowing which floor to go. He bopped his head to the elevator music playing your sister's new song

" Ohh Y/n you're here" He was greeted by NewJeans manager who was about to enter the elevator himself

" Oh hyung where are you going?"  

" Heading out to grab more food. By the way you better hurry, their almost done with their vlive and you know how she hates it when you're late" You bid farewell to their manager and ran towards one of the rooms. Opening the door, you were greeted with one of their stylists who knew you and let you in

" Hanni marry me" Danielle read aloud reading one of the comments and this made Minji act defensive with one of her members

" Sorry Hanni is still a baby" 

" Yah unnie I'm not a baby" Hanni was getting squished not just by Minji but everyone who decided to tease her 

" Hanni unnie can I marry Y/n oppa?" Haerin read one of the comments catching them by surprise. You also whisked your head at their direction hearing your name when Hanni's eyes landed on you and a smirk formed on her face

" Why don't you ask him for yourself" Hanni got up and running towards you. Before you could even run away, she grabbed you by the hand and dragged you to them and in front of the camera

" Say hi Y/n/n" She placed you at the center in between Minji and Danielle while she used your head to lean on

" Hi everyone Y/n-imnida" You greeted their fans with a small smile and a little wave as the comments were piling up surprised to see you

" Oohhh looks like everyone is excited to see you Y/n/n" Hanni said leaning on you more making you duck your head

" Aish Hanoona you're heavy you know" Hanni got off of him and was staring daggers into his soul

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