an unexpected encounter

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?-(looks outside) men are looking for you (looks at her) Nymos
What !?  how did he know?  What if it was Jake!?  No impossible Jake would be in danger...think about it...I used the Nymos ID to infiltrate the forum to contact....
-you are Darkness!?'re smarter than I thought Riley
- how do you know who I am?
Dk-when we were discussing your friend avali and the faceless man i decided to do some research on you and that's when i found out about your duskwood problem,the video,that the duskwood police are trying  to contact you and now it's men.
Two men walk into the store
Dk-good we have to get out now!
They went out
-Do you know where I can call my friends?
Dk-first we gotta get to safety follow me!
(Dan's side)
Were there I got out of the car I couldn't get in my wheelchair so Phil helped me walked to the door Jake had given us the apartment number.
P-it's here
But then I notice that the door is ajar.
-phil!waiting for someone who came before us!
I took out of the pocket the weapon that we had found in the house where we had hidden.  We enter is here
P-they came before us!  Did she manage to escape?
D- nobody stops him even the faceless man didn't stop him!  She had to find a way out
Suddenly a person with a hood arrived, he had a mask we could just see his blue eyes I pointed my gun at him and Phil stepped back.
W-Who are you!?
W-what are you doing at our friend's house!?
?-Calm down!  it's me Jack!
P-we don't believe you!!
He took out his laptop and showed us the exchanges between us and him I lowered my weapon.
P- sorry for not believing you.
D-man!  what are you doing here!
II couldn't wait any longer I had to come with you.
D-they'll find out you're there?
I-No I covered the tracks
H-there's something I don't understand why they turned over Riley's whole house?
II don't know.  Maybe he thought I was here
Suddenly a noise was heard
D-shh!!!  Listen !
The noise comes from under a piece of furniture Phil looked at it was a computer.
I-it's his computer, I'll try to get into it!
He got to get in there and he said
I-she..... she tried to find me I'm so sorry...
D-no time to blame ourselves, we have to find her before they do.
I-you are right...
(Lily's side)
Here we are again in this house waiting for Phil and Dan to give some news I wonder if Riley is fine I was chatting with Thomas and Hannah when suddenly my phone rings everything asks went to where my phone was I answered.
L-Hello?  .....

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