not one but two

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On the side of Thomas

    No, it's not possible, he's in prison, we had to get to the bottom of things. We went to the police station, but there we saw our friends talking at the reception.
    H-lily? Cleo? Phil? Jessy? Dan? rich? What are you doing here
    P- definitely the same as you
    D-a fool painted us a crow
    I-but where's Riley?

    Meanwhile on Jake's side

    A message on my computer caught my and Allan's attention "someone is trying to locate you"
    -is f******!
    Alan received a message from the prison
    "Hello Mr.bloomgate you told me to let you know if anything fishy happened there it did the two men you brought back to me last month have been released someone to post bail but I  don't know who knows"
    So what do we do?
    II don't know... what could be worse...
    Suddenly someone knocked on the door
    H-come in!
    Agent- Mr.donford your sisters and your friends are there they look panicked they want to see you you are Alan
    Alan looks at me and says
    What did you say before?
    I had a bad feeling
    P-jake! Allan!
    Calm down, what's going on?
    Hannah will cry in Jake's arms
    H-I... he's back!
    J-What? who came back
    D- the raven man painted his sign
    Y/D-What? !
    B-but who it is, our man is in prison A-normally yes I'll call the prison
    I- IT'S GOING RILEY!!!!!
    There was a silence everyone got out and got in their car to go see Riley and me, in Alan's car there was me Alan Cleo Lily and Dan.

    Meanwhile on Riley's side

    I see this drawing on my door it's not good at all besides my door and enters open. I open it more and I go in I walk in the apartment I take a baseball bat I continue to go around the apartment phew there is no one is there on the kitchen table there is a  letter for me

Dear Riley

You managed to get rid of Michael but not me you must be wondering who I am but you'll know it but not right away you get involved a little too much in what doesn't concern you but now it's going to change I warn you that  'just once don't try to find me otherwise the people you care about will get to them misfortune and I will take action you will pay him for putting Michael in prison even your friends besides especially Hannah good see you soon

Everyone's point of view

All the phones had a ringtone, it was Nymos "someone is trying to locate you"
R-not that!
T-...m*** you destroyed it though didn't you Jake? I never destroyed it I just changed the person who has access to Nymos it's not me anymore it's riley but don't tell him please

On Cleo's side

-wait!  So we don't have one of my two problems to deal with!?
D- we'll get three if we can't find Riley
L-stop Dan!  Don't say anything she's fine I'm sure
We all arrive at her house Thomas calls out to Jake:
W-what was that Jake
II didn't destroy Nymos it was just a decoy
Ri-good enough chatter you have to go
They arrived in front of the half-open door (in the next part will be speaking silently)
A-(gun drawn) look at the door!
N-no do you think he abducted her?
T-we'll see
Thomas approaches the door and opens it.
Riley appears with the bat
T-It's ME!
She stopped (they all speak normally)
T-you too everyone has been marked
-even Phil?
Y-yes even me....everything ok?
- no.... look
Dan took the letter and said
D-which means there's a new crow in our town.
Y-yes and according to the letter he wants riley out of it.
A-he or she really thinks I'm going to let it go!
Ri-NO!  you're not going to believe that we're going to let you do it, you still want to risk your life!
Everyone stares at him, it's the first time he's reacted like that

Richy's side

No I can't let her put herself in danger
R-you really think I'm gonna let this jerk make our lives a nightmare
Ri-no not alone I will help you
I- you're not serious!
D- me too I help he already hits me on the system this guy
H/L us too
T- same for me
I-well me too
ok me too
R-m..but you thought about your lives
D-and you thought about your life, you still don't think you're going to get into this story without the rest of the team and hackerboy and Alan?
A-friends have another problem...
I-my pursuers are back there is something going on and I need to understand Alan and I we will have to hide to understand just like you to protect yourself...
H-which means we'll be apart!
I-yes but not for long I promise you
Riley hugs jake and says
R-promise me you'll stay alive
I-I promise you
A - Jake we have to go
Jake and Alan left
Ri- I called the owners of the house in the forest they lend us the house
T-so here we go

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