Chapter Two - Tell All The Truth But Tell It Slant

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Y/n pov

I like to help out in the nurse's office during my free period, it gives me something productive to do so I don't feel as bad procrastinating on homework.

Rowan walks in like clockwork, a defeated look on his face. "Hi y/n."

"Hi! Just take your usual seat, Nurse Hotep is on the phone right now. She'll be with you soon." I let him know.

He steps out of the doorway to reveal Wednesday.

She has a cut on her face?

"Wednesday! What happened?" I ask as I go to pour some peroxide on a cotton ball and get a band-aid from the drawer on my right.

"I misjudged my opponent." She states and sits on one of the beds.

"Ah. I'm sure they got lucky." I assure as I clean her wound and place the band-aid on her forehead. 

She stares at the wall.

She's stunning even from this angle.

"You're Wednesday, right?" Rowan pipes up.

Wednesday stood and turned to face him completely.

"Rowan. I know how you feel." He continued.

"I guarantee you don't." She responds

"My mother promised me I'd finally fit in somewhere. I never thought it was possible to be an outcast, in a school full of outcasts. But looks like you're gonna give me a run for my money!" He attempts to sound amused.

"Uh... sorry about the.. nick." He finishes.

"No good deed goes unpunished." She replies as she grabs her uniform's coat and walks out of the office.

"Bye! See you around?" I call after quietly.

Not too long after, Rowan leaves, done with his daily check-up, which is odd because he usually sticks around a bit, not wanting to go back to fencing class.

I shrug it off and clean up a bit around the room, fixing up the beds, fluffing pillows, sweeping, and sanitizing the chairs.

Xavier rushes in, someone in his arms.

Wednesday in his arms.


I open my mouth to ask what happened, but the Nurse Hotep steps in before I get the chance.

"Set her down there, tell us what happened" she pointed at the first bed.

Nurse Hygeia went to check Wednesday over as Xavier spoke to Nurse Hotep. "I was walking outside, and heard a loud noise. I looked over at the source and saw her standing under a falling gargoyle, so I tackled her out of the way and when I checked on her, she had passed out."

"No concussion, normal breathing, it seems she may have just fainted from shock or stress. I'll check again when she's conscious, but for now it may be best to let her sleep." Nurse Hygieia concluded.

" Okay Mr. Thorpe, Mx. L/n here will keep an eye on Ms. Addams, you may head back to class. Thank you for bringing her here, it was the right thing to do." Nurse Hotep adds.

I nodded and went to help Nurse Hygieia with Wednesday's coat.

"I wanna stay here. It's a catch-up day in class anyway. I can afford to miss it." Xavier insists.

I try to allow Wednesday her distance while keeping an eye on Xavier. While I don't have any reason to distrust him specifically, the situation seems a bit off to me. He enters almost seconds with Wednesday after his roomate heads off in the same direction as her? A roomate who left way earlier today than normal?

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