Chapter Four - A Dream

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Wednesday's pov

"Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid frets.

"I'm more concerned about whether or not he'll try and get his dad involved. That asshole has it out for the school." Y/n adds.

"I trust that I can handle myself." I respond as we listen to the subjects of our conversation bicker.

After a beat, Enid turns to me. "Well, good luck and safe travels." She attempts to trap me in her arms, I evade this unwelcome show of affection.

"Still not a hugger. Got it." She starts to walk off as she admits defeat.

"Before you go, I know you're perfectly capable of navigating the world on your own, but this might make things a bit more convenient." Y/n trails off, producing a piece of folded paper from their coat pocket. "It's a list of people I know that live around the station, just in case the train doesn't end up working out, or the route you want is delayed. Their adresses are right under their names. Just tell them I sent you and they'll assist you with whatever you need from there." They finish explaining. 

I can't help but find their attempt at assistance oddly charming.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

"Jeez, you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack." An irritating voice sounds to the left of me.

"Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude." I correct.

"All right. Subtle hint taken." Xavier awkwardly remarks.

"You should know I'm waiting for someone." I inform.

"Oh yeah, who's the lucky guy... or girl?" He questions.

"What does it matter to you?" I counter.

"Didn't mean to interrupt." Tyler comments.

"You're not." Xavier declares, storming off.

"This is gonna be trickier than I thought. Dad hit me with a curfew. We need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time." Tyler reports.

"I've got some dead weight I need to lose first." I stare around him, at principal Weems, she mockingly smiles and waves. "Meet me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start."

He nods and strolls off.

The stand's employee approaches me with the faux panda I won. "You see that sad, lonely woman over there?" I query. He follows my gaze. "She needs this pathetic validation more than I do." I offer him payment. "Would you mind distracting her?" He shrugs and goes off to do my bidding.

I take my chance to break free of her supervision and make my way to the parking lot.

"Hey, before you leave, I wanted you to have this." Tyler offers me a manilla folder as I approach him." It's your dad's police file from when he was at Nevermore." He continues. "I think it's the reason my dad hates him."

I'm unsure of what to make of this attempt at camraderie

"You okay?" Tyler interrupts my train of thought.

"I'm not used to people engaging with me." I admit. "Most see me coming and cross the street."

"You're not scary. You're just kinda... kooky." He attempts to console.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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