Chapter 6⚠️

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An hour later.

It took me a while to get to the ice cream parlor since there was traffic. I let Isla go inside and told her to get me ice cream while I'll call the guys to meet up at Corbyn's place. I called Jonah first.


what's up Jack?

guess who's back?


how did you know?

she told me she was coming
but she didn't tell me when but
how did you know?

she was at my house

oh are you good?

I will be tomorrow

you're hanging out with her tomorrow?

yeah we all are

what do you mean?

she wants to meet up with you
and the rest of the boys at Corbyn's place

that's sick alright I'll be there but Jack


hope you guys fix it and what
ever happens I'm with you

thanks Jo alright I got to go see
what's taking Isla so long

you're welcome J and alright
I'll see you tomorrow


I ended the call and walked right in and I saw
Y/N with Zion. It felt like someone pinched me in my heart. When they told me they're together again, it felt like my whole world collapsed. I wanted to scream and punch the wall or something. I lost her. I lost her for good. After a while, they left and we sat down at a booth.

Isla: you okay?
Jack: yeah why wouldn't I?
Isla: well when you say them holding hands you kinda froze
Jack: well I'm fine I was just shocked
*he takes a bit of his ice cream*
Isla: look i love you guys equally but if Y/N/N moved on and she's happy I think you should do the same
Jack: how? I've always love Y/N and I'll never stop but I just can't move on it's just hard to do it no matter how are it is I just can't
Isla: well you have to try Jack you deserve to be happy try going on dates meet new people I know you can
*she takes a bit of her ice cream*
Isla: do it for me if you're not gonna do for you
*he sighed*
Jack: I'll try but I don't know how imma feel

Isla's right I should move on even though it's gonna be a mission but I got to do it. God! I don't know why this is so hard for me.

Your POV:
Zion and I left the ice cream parlor and some how ended up at a hotel room. My mind was still in the ice cream parlor. Part of me still feels those same feelings ever since the first day. At the same time, I'm happy with my relationship with Zion and I'll do anything for him. I was lost in my thoughts until Zion wrapped his arms around me.

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