Chapter 7

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A few minutes later.

I got to Corbyn's house and I noticed there were different cars in the driveway. I was a bit nervous to see the boys again after all it's been 3 years since I've seen them. I walked in and saw that they were in the living room playing billiards.

Y/N: so are you guys gonna help or what?
*they turned around & looked at you*
Boys: Y/N!!
*they helped you set everything down & hugged you*
Corbyn: yo we missed you!
Y/N: I missed you guys too
*they all pulled away*
Daniel: when did you arrive?
Y/N: uhm 3 days ago I think
Zach: and you didn't tell us?
Jonah: we could've picked you up at the airport
Y/N: well I wanted to surprise you guys
*you smiled at them*
Daniel: so are you moving back or just visiting?
Y/N: we'll I'm actually on tour right now so just passing by
Boys: what?!
Y/N: have you guys not seen my stories or anything?
Corbyn: sorry we we're taking a break on all social medias for a while
Y/N: what why?
Jonah: that talk is for any other day but come on tell us how's everything going?
*he puts an arm around your shoulder & you all sit on the couch*
Y/N: everything is amazing uhm just to get this out of the way...
*you took out an envelope*
Y/N: here you guys go
*Jonah grabs them*
Zach: what's that?
Y/N: tickets to my show and I would really love for you guys to go and maybe sing a song or two with me
*Jack comes in*
Zach: I don't think we'll be able to perform
Y/N: why not?
Daniel: well we can try
Y/N: what aren't you guys telling me?
*they all look at each other*
Jonah: well prepare yourself

They started to explain their situation and each detail they gave me broke me. They were kids and having to go through that is definitely something you'll always remember and especially Zach. No wonder Jack wouldn't let me visit him or even stay on the phone with me longer.

An hour later.

I didn't even know I was in tears until Jack brought me a tissue. It was quiet for a second. We were all still trying to process what was being said. They were making a few jokes here and there but still hurt to know what they went through.

Y/N: I'm sorry guys I feel like I should've done something
Jack: how would you know? Everytime you asked how things were going I would lie to you
*you grabbed his hand*
Y/N: still you're my best friend and I should've done something to stop it or if I would've know how he was gonna treat you I would tried to convince you not to go to LA
Jack: I know but how would've we known?
Corbyn: I mean he was kinda being a two face
Y/N: but what about Randy?
Daniel: when he found out what was happening he came back and he would get in between and stop him but he still continued
*your phone starts to ring*
Y/N: hold on guys
*you went to the backyard & saw it's was your mom*

hey mom what's up?

you okay? You sound like you were crying

yeah just watching a sad movie

oh okay I just wanted to call you
to tell you the guy is gonna be there
in 30 so you got to get going

okay imma go pick up Z and I'll
be on my way

where are you?

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