Chapter 9

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20 minutes later.

I did a quick shower and put one of Zion's hoodie and a pair leggings. I put my hair up in a messy bun and light makeup. I went downstairs to see the boys cleaning which surprisingly the house wasn't a big mess.

Y/N: goodmorning guys
All: morning
Brandon: how's the hangover?
Y/N: ughh don't even want to talk about it
*you all laugh as Danielle walks in with coffee*
Danielle: hey guys
Edwin: let me help you
Danielle: thanks
*they kiss*
Danielle: I brought all of you guys coffee for the hangover
Y/N: you're an Angel
*you guys hugged*
Edwin: she's my Angel
Y/N: sorry Ed but I've been calling her my Angel
Edwin: but you guys barely meet yesterday
Both: so?
*you both laugh*
Y/N: anyways where's Austin?
Nick: oh he said he's gonna wait for you in the car
Y/N: oh okay then I'll see you guys later
*you got in Austin's car*
Y/N: hey
Austin: hey you're ready?
Y/N: yup let's go

A few hours later.

Austin, Theo and I had so much fun. We spent the whole out and about. I did get some decorations for my office. I also hired some contractors to help with the remodeling. Jonah asked me if I was gonna come over but after what happened yesterday I don't want to but I can't stop hanging out with the boys.

Austin: do you want me to drop you at their house?
Y/N: if you don't mind
Austin: I don't mind let's go
*you guys got in the car*
Y/N: Theo looks more and more like you
Austin: really?
*he starts to drive*
Y/N: we'll yeah and he's gotten bigger as well
Austin: he's almost catching up to you
*you playfully push him*
Y/N: Heyy
Austin: I'm kidding
*he gives you a smile*
Austin: so tell me how are you actually feeling?
Y/N: what do you mean?
Austin: I feel like I've known since forever and I can tell you were having doubts
*you sighed*
Austin: it's that bad huh?
Y/N: I'm just scared what if she comes back to finish what she started
Austin: no don't think that Y/N/N
*he grabs your hand*
Austin: you'll always be protected by us 5 and your cousin's group and Jack's
Y/N: yeah but what if she gets me when I'm alone or she pretends to be someone else?
Austin: well get you tons of security and bodyguards so don't sweat it okay?
*he pulls up to Corbyn's driveway*
Y/N: okay thank you Dale
*you guys hugged*
Austin: no problem Y/M/N
*you pulled away*
Y/N: I'll see you later
Austin: have fun
*you turn around*
Y/N: bye Theo
Theo: bye

I got down and knocked on the door. In seconds, Eben answered the door. We hugged since we haven't seen each other in 3 years.

Eben: when did you arrive?
*you guys pulled away*
Y/N: 4 or 5 days ago
Eben: and I'm barely finding this out
Y/N: I thought the boys told you but it's a good thing I wanted to surprise you
*he puts his arm around your shoulder & y'all walk in*
Eben: well I'm surprised
*you guys went to the backyard*
Eben: guess who's here!
Everyone: Y/N!
Y/N: hey guys
Eben: want something to drink?
Y/N: yes please
*Corbyn walks up to you with a bottle*
Corbyn: but first a shot
Y/N: I took shots yesterday
Corbyn: todays a new day
Y/N: ugh
*you took a shot from the bottle*
Eben: I'll get your drink now
*Corbyn hugs you as soon the other boys too*
Daniel: I'm happy you're here Y/N
Zach: late but you're here
Y/N: sorry I was busy making sure my last show isn't missing anything
Jonah: are you excited?
Y/N: a bit
Corbyn: everything's going to be fine
Y/N: I hope so
*he gives you a side hug*

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