Chapter 14

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Austin's POV:

A few minutes later.

Both bands besides Zion, her parents, Jack's family, Ansley, Maggie, both Mia and Eben all came. We had our own waiting room since it's a lot of us. I told them what happened and now we're all waiting for the doctor to come out. Some of us were pacing and some of us had our hands on our face.

*doctor comes in*
Anahi: doc how's my daughter?
Marco: can we see her?
Doctor: uhm well
Kristin: spill it out please
Doctor: you won't be talking to her unconscious body anymore
*everyone cheers & hugs each other*
Jack: can we all see her?
Doctor: as of right now only two at a time but you guys have to be easy and it has to be short she needs rest believe it or not
*Anahi hugs the doctor*
Anahi: thank you
Doctor: it's what am here for

Your POV:
I woke up to the sound of Austin's voice, monitors and doctors. I looked around and notice I was at the hospital. I tired to talk to Austin but I couldn't. Doctors were trying to calm me down but with the pain I couldn't. Soon I ended up calming down.

Doctor: how are you feeling Y/N?
Y/N: tried hurting and hungry
*doctors release a chuckle*
Doctor: we'll get you something for the pain but I just want to say you have a big family they wouldn't leave you alone mostly your boyfriend he sleeps here
*you give him a confused & weak smile*
Y/N: can I see them?
Doctor: yes but it has to be short because the medicine is gonna make you tired
Y/N: thanks
Doctor: of course I'll go notify your family
*after a while, your parents come in & went on each side*
Anahi: oh Y/N
Marco: hi princess
*they give you a kiss on the forehead*
Y/N: hey
Anahi: you had us worried
Marco: how you feeling?
Y/N: tired hurt and definitely hungry
Marco: want me to bring anything?
Y/N: some sushi sounds good right now
*you all lightly chuckle as it's an inside joke*
Anahi: you have a hand full of people wanting to see you
Marco: we're gonna let them come in and I'll come back to check up on you
*they both give you a kiss on the cheek & they left & Jack & Kristin comes in*
Jack: Y/N!
*he stands next to you*
Jack: I was so scared to loose you again
Y/N: J you're never gonna loose me again
*he slowly put your hand on his cheek*
Jack: I love you
*he kisses the palm of your hand*
Y/N: I love you too
Kristin: we missed your voice honey
Y/N: I missed seeing you guys
Kristin: I'm sorry this happened to you
Y/N: don't be sorry you guys didn't do this
*you give them a smile*
Kristin: come on Jack we got to let everyone come in
Jack: I'll be back to check up on you
Y/N: I'll be here waiting

An hour later.

Everyone come in and we had a few giggles since I couldn't really laugh due to the pain only giggles could happen. The doctor came in with pills for the pain a few minutes ago but I'm really starting to feel tired but I noticed Zion didn't come in. The last two was Austin and Nick.

Austin: hey there's my bestie
Nick: and my party pooper partner
*you smiled as they laugh*
Y/N: that's me
*they stand on each side of you*
Nick: how you holding on?
Y/N: I don't even know but I do know I'm getting really tired
Austin: it's the medicine making you like that
Nick: we should let you sleep then
Y/N: I have a question
*you feel your eyes getting heavier*
Nick: what's up?
Y/N: uhm where's Zion? He didn't come in
*they look at each other*
Austin: we'll tell you tomorrow right now you need to sleep
Y/N: just tell me
Austin: he's in Canada
Y/N: why?
Nick: uhm he's dealing with family issues he'll be back soon now go to sleep
Y/N: can you tell him I miss him?
Both: we will
Y/N: goodnight
*they giggled knowing it's the afternoon*
Both: night

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