Chapter 13

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Jack's POV:
I wanted to tell the boys about last night but I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone. The past two days I felt like someone was watching me or following me but there wasn't anyone. I just ignored the feelings and went on with my day. Soon the feeling went away. Just a few minutes ago, Y/N asked me to stop by her hotel room to pick up her suitcase since she's gonna stay in the hidden room for now. I got her things and headed to her office.

A few minutes later.

I got to her office but I didn't see her. Her assistant told me she was still in the meeting before she left for the day. I took her things in the room and waited her to come in. I texted her to let her know I'm here but she didn't respond. After a while, I decided to go look for her. I was walking around and I noticed most of her staff are gone so her meeting should've been done by now.

I saw someone running but I couldn't see who it was. I started walking back to her office when I saw her door open and blood on the door way. I slowly walked in and I didn't see Y/N anywhere until I walked towards her desk, that's when I saw her.

Jack: Y/N! No no no
*he slowly puts his hand on wound*
Jack: someone help! Help!
*he hears footsteps coming closer*
Jack: help!
*Prettymuch boys come in*
All: oh god Y/N!
Jack: call 911 now!
Austin: I'm on it
Zion: wha-what happened?
Jack: I don't know I just saw blood on the door way and I see her lying here with blood
*Edwin checks for pulse*
Edwin: she still has pulse
Austin: they're on their way Imma let security know
Brandon: I'll call her parents
Zion: who did this?
Jack: I saw someone running but I couldn't see who it was
Nick: imma go see if I can check the cameras
Edwin: I'll go with you
*he turns to look at them*
Edwin: stop her from bleeding until they come
Zion: okay okay I'll go get towels
*he gets up & goes to the secret room*
Jack: Y/N you can't leave me

A few minutes later.

We're all waiting for Y/N to get out of surgery. I was pacing back and forth not knowing what to do. They were all trying to calm me down but I just can't. We haven't been updated and it's been almost 30 minutes. I know Y/N would get through this but the thought of losing her breaks me.

Zion's POV:
She was fearing this would happened and I promised her I was gonna be there to protect her and I didn't. I was in the same building and just a few doors away but yet I wasn't there to protect her. I can see the pain in everyone eyes. I know the ones who are in most pain is Jack and his family. They know her longer than we have but ever since we meet her she's been our rock. Right now, she's in surgery and it hurts me that she's in there fighting for her life and we're out here waiting for updates. Nick and Edwin are still looking at cameras. Apparently the person's face isn't being shown and the one that actually got her face wasn't enough to show her facial. As of right now, we just know it's a girl but we all have the same idea of who it is.

Brandon's POV:
I went to go help out Nick and Edwin figure out the cameras while everyone is at the hospital waiting for Y/N to come out of surgery. Every camera, her face wasn't being shown. We did get one to show her face but it's hard to see who it was. We do have an idea of who this was. Right now her parents are flying out and I'm on my way to pick them up.

Jack's POV:

Almost 2 hours later.

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