Chapter 2

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I stood in front of a crowd of people who flowed in and out of a tavern. They were all dressed outlandishly, and their skin colors varied widely.

Some had pale complexions, while others were darker brown, orange, or even green. But what stood out to me; was the variety of fantasy races represented here: Elves, dwarves, ogres, humans, gnomes, goblins, orcs, lizardmen, halflings, cat-men, and more packed the streets.

Some were walking along casually, while others were hurrying past. Many carried weapons and equipment on their backs or belts, while others had items strapped to their heads, chests, waists, thighs—anywhere they could carry stuff.

This girl...Lorina, dragged me through the crowd excitedly, waving at people as we passed. I was still pretty disoriented from waking up here and getting dressed up. I hadn't even had a proper breakfast yet.

The place we were in was a large, medieval town. It was bustling with life despite being so early in the morning. The buildings that lined both sides of the street were made of wood and stone. Some were two stories high, some three, and others had elaborate decorations like flowers or animals carved into their walls. The architecture reminded me a lot of the old towns you could still find across the Mediterranean, but these places definitely didn't look anything like those ancient cities. Rather than the Christian motifs - such as crosses and angels that adorned the European countryside- they seemed to have diverse symbols and statues that littered the landscape. There were symbols from circles, to seven-pointed stars, to wreaths of plants and even religious symbols that looked like gears.

The fashion here also struck me - people walked around the streets in stereotypical high fantasy equipment, such as plate mail and wizard robes. Seeing people wearing modern-looking t-shirts and jackets side by side with staves and great bows felt weird.

There wasn't much differentiation between the clothing styles either: pants, skirts, dresses, tunics, robes, was hard to tell which ones were fantasy outfits and which were regular clothes for some of them. A few minutes after passing through the town's main gate, we arrived at a building with a sign hanging above it reading "Adventurers Guild.

There were merchants selling goods and services and travelers coming and going from the guild hall. Everyone moved quickly and efficiently, yet they maintained a polite distance between themselves and the rest. The vast majority of the people in this part of town, though, were athletic beyond belief and looked like caricatures straight out of, well, anime.

They stared intently at me as I walked forward into the guild proper.

"Um..." I began nervously. The body I was in was unbelievably short and, to put it nicely, scholarly. I definitely felt it as we passed through the crowd.

"Hm?" Lorina whispered, turning towards me.

A lizard man stepped forward. He had a large mustache, dark green robes, and a golden ring around his neck. His eyes were sharp, and he glared at me intensely as he approached. His skin was a dark orange, and he had what looked like a wand in his belt.

"Uh," I swallowed hard and tried to gather my thoughts. "Um... hi? Hello?"

He spoke quietly in a gruff tone.

"...Are you new here?"

I nodded hesitantly.

His eyebrows rose in surprise before he chortled in a rough laugh. "Really? I thought you were someone famous."


"Like, you're really well known in these parts, right? The genius adolescent daughter of the Liddell family? Potion brewer and former supplier of the Adventurer's Guild? Same house that came crashing down overnight in disgrace? That's why you came here instead of staying home all pampered, yeah?"

Trapped In a Fantasy World As A Literal Anime Girl And I'm Not Taking It Wellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن