Chapter 12

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Arc 2

I woke up screaming, desperately clawing at my throat.

The sensation of the horrifying creature's sharp teeth ripping out my bare neck was still prominent in my mind. I could see its red eyes glaring at me through the fog as well as the awful, otherworldly the sounds of the horrible shrieks it made.

The horrible, unnatural motions it made as it rampaged through the streets and rooftops flashed through my mind.

It was the first time in my life that something had actually frightened me enough to make me panic in this way.

I screamed and trembled violently, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I cried harder and harder as I felt a pair of soft but strong arms wrap around me, stroking my hair.

It helped calm me somewhat and quieten my crying, and after a few minutes, I was able to regain some composure. I continued to sob, hugging the other person tight for dear life.

"Shhh," Lori said softly into my ear. "It's okay it's okay... You're safe now."

She tightened her grip ever so slightly, and then continued to rub the back of my head gently.

I slowly pulled back from the embrace, wiping the tears from my face and looking up at my sister through teary eyes.

Lori smiled at me warmly. She reached up with one hand, and brushed aside the ahoge hanging across my forehead before kissing me on the top of my head.

"How are you right now, Alice??" she asked me carefully. "Can you speak yet?"

I desperately moved my hands to my neck, only to feel soft, smooth, intact skin. There was a dull, persistent phantom pain there that echoed the sensation of having my neck torn apart.

I nodded, forcing myself to swallow past the lump in my throat as best I could.

"Y-yeah..." I muttered quietly, voice cracking a little bit as I tried to sound more confident than I really was. I pushed myself to sit upright, untangling my legs which were wrapped around my sister's waist. I looked around: It was early morning, and we were in my personal bedroom.

I sobbed, shivering in terror as I thought about the monster's gnashing teeth and claws again. My hands were shaking uncontrollably though I was trying desperately not to let it show on my face. My hands moved up to my throat again.

Tears rolled down both of our faces, but they came slower this time, for different reasons. Lori leaned in to hug me again, and we just held each other closely and cried until we couldn't anymore.

"Thank goodness...I'm sorry," Lori finally said after several minutes of holding me. She looked up at me seriously with watery lavender eyes that seemed too big for her face. Her light blue hair was a mess, sticking out every which way like she'd been running her fingers through it while crying. Her eyes were dark and puffy.

It was clear she'd been crying and not sleeping.

"Lori..."I sobbed, "That thing...that monster..."

She wiped away the tears with the back of her hand and sniffled softly, clearing her throat. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for everything little sis."

I started to tearfully shake my head, starting to cry again despite being relatively calm now. Lori put one hand on my cheek, stroking my face lovingly as she spoke in a soft, calm voice.

"Look, I know you said you didn't want that heart to heart, and I'm sorry for being selfish again. But by the Mother Goddess, when it smashed through Dodson's barrier, I...I really thought I was going to lose you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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