Chapter 11

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"Yes, Alice. Join our little group!"


"No." I replied flatly. "HELL. Fucking. No."

The elf man blinked, then laughed softly,

"Oh come on! Don't be so stubborn. You were quite eager a month ago."

I raised my head to look him in the eyes, "I'll be dead weight if I do, you fashion eyesore," I continued, turning to Lori, "Look, I'll fess up."

She looked at me seriously and expectingly.

I took a deep breath, "After the incident in Rivershire, I haven't been able to use any high level magic. Any. Magic, in fact."

Technically true.

Lori's eyes widened, and she frowned , "Alice wait, that's..."

"I said it was complicated on the road," I insisted. "Truth is, it' all the spell formulae were wiped from my mind. My large mana reserves are still there, which is why I started practicing Mana Bolt. Who knows, I may have gotten cursed for all I know."

Technically true also.

Lori turned pale, staring at me in horror, "Oh gods. That's...I can't imagine how..."

That probably had very different connotations for Alice's sister than it did for me. The magic would have been Alice's one calling card and her pride and joy in life.

"Yeah," I agreed quietly. "You heard me. That's the truth."

The elf sighed heavily, shaking his head, "I knew it was too good to be true. A teenaged human on the cusp of attaining an Archmage title."

"You're really not helping right now," I said crossly, folding my arms. "Not one bit."

"I'm sorry," he apologized sincerely. "But we do need your help, Alice."

"I don't want to join your stupid gang," I growled angrily.

The elf bristled, staring down at me. "Gang? Listen here, we are esteemed heroes of the land, not some common thugs."

Lori stepped between us protectively, "Alice, calm down-"

I waved her off angrily, stepping away.

I snarled, and couldn't help but ooze malice as I glared at her. Everything had sucked. Really sucked, since I'd woken up here. Lori dragged me off to get roughes up by bandits, and put me into high pressure situations one time after another.

And I just took it.

All that pent-up frustration I felt towards Lori boiled over in an instant. She had the gall to give me shit for my magic after putting me through all that.

"You know what? Fuck you, Lori. Fuck you for putting me through the grinder this week. I hate you! I hate your fucking antics, and all the fucking danger you've been dropping on my head. Constantly."

"Alice!" Lori yelled, shocked.

"And fuck you too, old man!" I spat at the elf. "You think you can just waltz in here and recruit me while I'm under duress? You're an asshole."

"Alice, I know you're upset and frightened right now," the elf began slowly. "But please hear me out before you make a decision."

"No!" I shouted. "No more! Fuck this shit!"

I turned around and ran down the street, only to see another one of the demon-beast things standing there. It roared loudly as it lunged towards me.

"Alice!" Lori called out behind me.

Trapped In a Fantasy World As A Literal Anime Girl And I'm Not Taking It WellWhere stories live. Discover now