Chapter 4

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I woke up to bright sunlight streaming through the window. For a split second, I panicked, thinking I had overslept. But then I remembered I had fallen asleep last night. How long ago was that? I couldn't remember, but judging by the sun's position, I guessed it was early morning.

Groaning, I sat up in bed and stretched. My head ached, and I realized I hadn't slept properly. I yawned stretching my arms above my head. When I lowered them, I spotted my clothes neatly folded at the foot of my bed.

Huh? Did I sleep naked?!

I grabbed a towel, covered myself, and then opened the curtains to look outside. Sure enough, there was a large crowd gathered near the gate. Most of them wore robes, but there were some guards standing guard as well.

"Wh-what's happening?" I stammered.

I was feeling nauseous and was pretty sure I was hung over.

"Well," Lori tapped her chin with her fingers while looking at me curiously before pointing outside. "We did get attacked during the night."


"They broke into the inn and a bunch of other buildings, and stole a few things."

I frowned. "So...they got away with it?"

"In....a manner of speaking. Yes."

I groaned, feeling a dizzy spell overtake me. "That isn't good."

"Indeed." Lori nodded grimly. "But fortunately, they left behind their tracks! Which means we should be able to track them down soon."

"Wait, track them down? Why do we care?"

"Welllllll...sheesh. How drunk WERE you last night?"


"Ahaha. HAHHAAHA! Just kidding."

I stared bat her for a minute, then she burst out laughing again. "Oh man, you're hilarious."

"Sorry." I shrugged awkwardly. "Was that supposed to be funny?"

"Ha ha! Noooo, silly! I'm just messing with you! You need to learn to loosen up when you aren't drunk sometimes, you know?"


"Now come on, we've gotta go get our magic jewel thingie back."

Wait. Wait a second. Magic Jewel?

"They....took the jewel?" I repeated.

"Yep," Lori replied serenely. "It's quite valuable, so it'll fetch a high price in the black market. And since they're thieves, I imagine they won't give it back without getting paid."

"Right," I muttered numbly. "So, um, what now?"

"We follow them." Lori pointed towards the door. "Come on, let's leave."

I stood up slowly. My legs were sore from sleeping in the same position for so long. And I was way too young to have the hangover I did. That was maybe two 'drinks' tops, but Alice was a goddamned lightweight.

As I hobbled to the door, I caught sight of the maid who had brought me my ale earlier. She was staring at me with wide eyes.

"...Uh, hello," I greeted her with great hesitance and trepidation.

She snapped her mouth shut immediately and turned away in fear.

What was that about?

Once we exited the building and headed toward the town center, I noticed something strange. There were fewer people walking around than usual. Some of those we passed glared angrily at us. They must have recognized Lori from yesterday.

Trapped In a Fantasy World As A Literal Anime Girl And I'm Not Taking It WellWhere stories live. Discover now