Chapter 1: Letters

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Chapter 1

It had been almost ten years since Harry Potter was dropped off at the Dursley's doorstep. Since then, Harry was put to the cupboard under the stairs for the rest of his life. And ever since then, Harry's life was filled with nothing but misery. 

This led him to think of ways to somehow escape them. He kept expecting someone to show up magically and take him away. Anything would do if it meant that he would be away from the Dursleys. 

Unfortunately, weirdness came with his wishes. The day he was removed from the Dursley's home was a day stranger than his cousin's birthday. That in itself, was unbelievable especially since Dudley's birthday was the day he originally thought he had gone crazy.

Harry remembered stepping out of his cupboard when his cousin pushed him back in almost immediately. Dudley laughed at him and then he waddled to the kitchen, leaving Harry stuck at the cupboard. His Aunt found him minutes later but she only came to call him and told him to get his ungrateful behind to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Harry was quick to make his way to the kitchen without much of a fuss. He was wise enough not to argue with his aunt. He greeted his uncle with a good morning but Uncle Vernon just shouted at him, telling him to comb his hair, which was his way of a morning greeting.

Harry's eyes strayed to the pile of gifts that belonged to Dudley. He knew it contained every single thing he asked his parents for since Christmas. Harry knew he shouldn't feel jealous and he wasn't. He was fine with not having new things. There were people who have had it worse than him and a new bike or video camera wouldn't change anything. He was still the Dursley's slave.

It wasn’t after a few minutes later that Aunt Petunia and Dudley returned to the kitchen. She was covering her son’s eyes with her hands as she guided him towards the table.

"Well? Isn't it wonderful sweetums?"She said after removing her hands.

"How many are there?" Dudley asked.

"Thirty-six!" answered his father cheerfully, "Counted them myself."

Dudley's face fell. "Thirty-six?"

"You forgot to count your Aunt Marge's present. It's under the big one from mummy and daddy." Petunia said.

"Alright. Thirty-seven." Dudley grumbled. Harry saw a tantrum coming on so he began wolfing down his breakfast in case Dudley turned the table over. Petunia must have seen it coming too because she said quickly. "And we'll buy you two new presents. How's that popkin?"

"So I'll have thirty….thirty….." Dudley said slowly. He actually looked like he was in pain.

"Thirty-nine, sweetums."Petunia said sweetly.

"Oh…"Dudley said and grabbed a nearby parcel.

Harry sighed in relief when he realized that Dudley was calm for now. He downed his glass of water in one gulp and proceeded to wash the dishes. Then he went outside to do some weeding, as his aunt had told him to do countless of times before. It was almost his morning routine.

He positioned himself in front of some flowerbeds and started searching for weeds. While he was picking out some, his thoughts drifted off to his life so far.

He was almost eleven years old. That meant that it was almost ten years since he was dropped off on his Aunt and Uncle's doorstep. He asked his relatives about the reason why his parents weren't there and they bluntly said that they were dead and they were never going to come back for him. That he should just accept his fate and get on with his chores.

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