Chapter 11: Hospital Wing

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Chapter 11


"…on't… he suddenly…"

"This… ad…"

The voices wouldn't stop. He just wanted to sleep. He needed to sleep, just in case Aunt Petunia came and forced him to get up and cook breakfast. But those voices just wouldn't let him! Who were those people talking? Their voices sounded familiar. Where had he heard it?


Look! James! He's standing!

Harry, over here! Come to daddy!

Hello, sweetheart!

Smile, Harry!

Come to mommy, Harry!


Harry opened his eyes fully and he shot straight up. He instantly regretted that decision though. His head hurt and he felt nauseated. Someone tried to get him to lie back down and he was all too eager to comply. What had he been doing? Why was he so dizzy?

His head was about to burst - he could feel it. He felt a pair of hands running along the side of his face and up to his forehead to move some hair out of the way. 'Wait. What?'

"Harry... Harry can you hear me? Harry?"

Harry groaned loudly and put a hand up to his head. The pain was slowly receding but it did not go away entirely. "W-Where... Where am I?"

He tried to get up and search for his glasses but another pair of hands had come to secure him to his spot on the bed.

"Easy there, fella. You don't want to collapse all over again." said a deep voice to his right. His voice sounded familiar too. It was almost like... like the one he heard inside his head. Harry didn't try too hard to dwell on it and resigned himself to resting as he was told.

"Can I just... have my... my glasses... please?" he croaked, instantly feeling his dry throat.

A blur of red and black to his left moved and gently placed his round glasses on his face. Harry mumbled his thanks to the person and was surprised to see that it was Lily Potter. His gaze went over to the other side of his bed and he was again, surprised to see Lily's husband standing there. The both of them had worried looks on their faces.

"Do you need anything else, Harry?" Lily asked as she reached over to adjust the glasses on his face.

Harry couldn't speak. How in the world did he end up in - his eyes scanned the area - the Hospital Wing? Of all places to be at, why the Hospital Wing? He was just in Lily Potter's office a few minutes ago. What happened?

An uncomfortable squirm on James' part made Harry move his gaze to the man on his right. He and his wife had those faces that looked like they expected him to do something. Oh... right. They had asked him a question. Harry didn't want to impose but his throat was burning with both thirst and questions. Both of which won't be met if he didn't get what he sorely needed right now. "Some... some water, please?"

James nodded and he set off to get him a glass, mentally cursing the Hospital Wing for not placing a pitcher of water on Harry's bedside table beforehand. But then again, he was only brought in half an hour ago. They wouldn't have had time to prepare anything.

As James walked away to the far end of the Hospital Wing, Lily took this moment to turn her attention back to Harry. She grabbed hold of his hand and gave it a squeeze. She had so many questions inside her head right now. The only problem was how she would phrase them correctly without setting off the boy laid out on hospital bed before her. Lily decided to ask the first thing that had been bothering her ever since his small spasm in her office. Clearing her throat, she said, "Harry... the thing that happened in my office... Do they happen frequently?"

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