Chapter 13: The Aftermath Part 2

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Chapter 13

Dumbledore's presence in the Hospital Wing made something inside Lily snap. Looking at the man in front of her, the man who held them back from going overseas to save their child, the man who insisted that they stay in Godric's Hollow, the man who was part of the reason her son was dead. Or believed to be. She didn't know anymore!

James didn't have time to get up and stop his wife before she made her way towards the school's headmaster.

Albus' eyes travelled between the half-closed privacy curtains near Harry Potter's bed and the couple making their way to him. He registered the anger in Lily's eyes and the confusion in James'. If the both of them weren't angry then maybe there was hope yet.

"You told me Harry was dead!" Lily spat as she finally found herself in front of Dumbledore.

"Lily, I-"

Lily didn't give him time to speak. She cut him off with a quick wave of her hand. "Tell me the truth, Dumbledore! What's Harry Potter, the student, doing? Why does he think that we are his parents?! I want answers now!"

Albus paled and for a moment, his heart sunk. He hoped Lily or James didn't notice his slight falter so he cleared his throat and advanced towards Harry's bed. "May I see the boy, Poppy?"

Lily growled. "I said I want answers, Dumbledore!"

Dumbledore sighed and turned around. "And I will have that conversation with you, however Harry Potter is still a student of this school and it is my duty as headmaster to ensure his safety. Now..." with a quick turn, he faced Madame Pomfrey again. "Where is he?"

"Dumbledore!" Lily near-shouted as she ran towards Harry's bedside. "Headmaster or not, Harry is still not making sense. We need to get this investigated. He's been getting frequent headaches and if you think that that's not weird, then I don't know what is."

From behind the half-closed curtains, Pomfrey yelled, "She's right, Albus. The boy's not making any sense either. Poor lad…"

Albus Dumbledore turned around to address the school nurse and calmly reached for something inside his robes and pulled out a vial. "Which is why I made this."

Lily stared at the creamy white liquid inside the vial with suspicion. She knew that potion but she couldn't remember what it did. She saw it once when Professor Horace Slughorn had prepared brews for one of his lectures. She cast her suspicious glance towards the old man in front of her and glared at him.

"Get that thing away from him." Lily said with a dangerous edge to her voice.

Dumbledore looked startled at her sentence but he tucked the vial underneath his robes. "This is for the boy's safety, Lily. Instead, I suggest you depart from the Hospital Wing with your husband and leave Harry in our care."

"I may not be a medical expert but I am a potions master. I recognize that potion and though I may not remember much about it, I do know this: That potion is not intended for medical uses, anaesthetic or not." Lily told Dumbledore, her hard gaze never leaving his face.

Before the headmaster could even retort, Madame Pomfrey turned to them and gave them a glare of her own. "Harry Potter will not be receiving visitors from now on, incuding you, Professor Dumbledore."

Dumbledore objected. "He needs this potion-"

"He won't be taking any potions until he is cleared of the serum in his body. Now out. Out, the lot of you!" she said loudly in her ever so strict voice and pushed the three adults out of the Hospital Wing.

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