Chapter 9

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Double update hehe❤️


The chilly air of Delhi winters welcomed Vikram in the city. It was not as cold as the place he had been stuck for two days. But it was still quite harsh.

He came out of his private jet and walked towards his car with Manav behind him.

"Sir, should I take the car to Mr.Aditya's house?" The driver, asked looking at the man sitting in the back seat.

Vikram thought for a moment. He had no intentions of meeting his father and his family. He was in a good mood and they would ruin it, he was sure. But he didn't wish to spend time in a hotel.

"Ok" He said with a cold sigh. He had delayed this meeting for a while but he had no option this time.

The car reached the mansion which was painted in white. So many memories started coming back to Vikram's mind seeing it. They were deeply suppressed in his mind but everytime he would come to this mansion, in this city, he would start getting flashbacks of the days he spent here.

Some days he would eat alone with the servants, even at nights when he used to get scared of thunder storms only the servants would be there beside him. While his father tended to his chidren.

But once he was sent to boarding school, there was no one beside him. The young boy was all alone to fight his demons. And his fight was still not over.

He had just became strong enough to sustain the battle scars.

Coming out of the car, he walked inside the grand entrance. The guards and workers stopped in their tracks to bow down to him.

The family of four having their lunch peacefully came into his view. A sudden ting in his heart was all he felt. A family is all he had ever wanted when he was a kid.

Everyone stopped eating when they saw Vikram. Their meetings had never ended peacefully with him.

Vyom and Vidhi, his father's children glanced at their mother with a surprised look. They were not aware of his arrival.

"Vikram! It's good to see you finally." Mitali, his father's second wife broke the ice between them. Her husband was just staring at him with a narrowed gaze while her kids were looking a little tensed.

He did not reply to her. Just took his seat in the farthest chair from them, facing his father.

"I heard about the storm. What were you doing in that place?" Rajiv Aditya asked his eldest son with a questioning look.

"Storm?" Mitali asked to her husband with a frown.

Vikram sighed for the Nth time in that day and replied dryly,"I went to save Ziah."

Three people choked on their food as soon as he said those words. Mitali, Vyom and Vidhi looked at him like he had grown two horns.

"Ziah? What do you have to do with her?" Vyom spoke for the first time since Vikram's arrival. His question was very genuine despite his step brother glaring at him with his sharp eyes.

"She is my wife."

Another shock came right at the family. This time even Rajiv looked surprised and glanced at his wife. They had tried to encourage Vikram and Ziah in this relationship for a long time. But never had they received a response like that from him.

"That's not what he meant. Actually you and Ziah have never met before like this." Vidhi said, protecting her brother from Vikram's temper.

"Well, things have changed now." He replied to her and looked away as the memories of the cottage and Ziah started refreshing. They were by far the best memories he had.

"It will be better if things change between us too." Rajiv said, taking a risky step in the conversation.

The mood turned serious and scary at the same time. Three scared faces looked at Vikram.

His eyes were cold and empty as he stared at the man in front of him. It was so easy for them to speak, he thought. It was not something he could easily let go.

"I like how things are, here. Anyways I am here for only a few days." Vikram replied in clear words. His message was received well by his father. He was not interested in any type of reconciliation.

"Vyom is shifting to America this sunday. And Vidhi is getting married next month. We were wondering if you could stay with us. It will be very lonely for both of us." Mitali said with hope in her eyes.

"Lonely? Am sure you won't be lonely with the person you love. It is a big word Mrs. Mitali Rajiv Aditya. Not everyone knows how hard it is to be lonely in a large house full of people." Vikram said looking at her with a dark smirk on his face. It was not sarcastic or happy, it was an evil smirk.

"And why are you going to America? What about business?" He asked Vyom.

On his behalf, Rajiv replied," I am handing over the whole business to you Vikram. Vyom is interested in a career in Soccer and hence he is leaving. It's only you whom I want to give this business to."

Vikram raised his eyebrows cockily. This was new. He had always thought that his father's shares would be gone to Vyom.

"Are you in any loss or debts?" He asked with a suspicious look.

Rajiv chuckled at his son.

"I knew you would say that. But no, everything is clear." He replied with a smirk. He knew Vikram was the rightful owner of that business. As it was the father of Vikram's mother who had helped Rajiv to achieve this success. And Vikram had always proved himself as a better businessman.

"I'll be in my room." Vikram informed to no one in particular before leaving the dining room.

The siblings heaved a sigh of relief and looked at their parents.
"Dad, he will be here for how long? I don't like him at all." Vyom said to Rajiv with an annoyed look.

Mitali's head snapped towards his direction and she said in a strict voice,
"Vyom, he is your brother. You better respect him."

Vyom rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

As if a lightning stuck her, Vidhi's eyes widened in shock.

"Mom! The pictures." She said with a dreadful emotion to her mother. Mitali took a second to understand what she was hinting at. But once she got it her face went white.

She could only sit there praying for the pictures to hide themselves.


Vikram walked into his room silently. He did not stay here but his room was still maintained properly. The hallways that once housed the pictures of his mother and childhood were now covered with his father's new family memories. He had taken those pictures with him after seeing them laying in the store room one day.

He observed the room to check for any suspicious objects. He did not trust anyone in this world. He had more enemies than friends.

Everything looked normal, until his gaze went to a photo frame kept on the bedside table. He took the unfamiliar frame in his hands and ovserved the picture.

It was of one of the most important days of his life. His wedding. He was unaware that such photo existed.

It was clicked at the time of the sindoor ritual. His eyes were focused on the bride clad in a beautiful red lehenga. Her eyes closed, lips parted slightly. The moment was still fresh in his mind.

His relationship with Ziah was probably the only relation he was having in this life with anyone. He had no other relatives because he did not consider his father one. But even this relationship was not that strong. There was nothing that connected them. Except for a certificate of marriage and the Mangalsutra in her neck everything was just like before.

He had not stopped thinking about her from their last meeting. She was constantly on his mind. Her smile, her twinkling eyes and her perky nature had made him an addict.

He wanted her.

And he was going to have her, with or without her will.


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