Chapter 31

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The sequence of chapters has changed again. Please check chapter number before reading.

The flight to India had been filled with tension for Ziah and Vikram. As they drove towards her parents' house, the atmosphere in the car was thick with unspoken words. Vikram gripped the steering wheel, his mind replaying their conversation on the plane.

"I need some time with my parents, Vikram," Ziah had said on the flight, her eyes pleading with him. "I miss them, and I want them to approve of us. I don't want the two most important men in my life to hate each other."

Vikram hesitated, not entirely comfortable with the idea. He voiced his concerns, "What if they don't approve? What then?"

Ziah tried to reassure him, "They will, Vikram. I just need a few days with them. They'll see how much we love each other."

She recieved silence in reply making her heart break.

As they pulled up to her parents' house, Vikram couldn't shake off the unease. He turned to Ziah, "I hope your parents understand, Ziah. I won't like it if they don't approve of us."

Ziah knew what he would do if they disapprove. She had already seen his anger when her father decided to get them divorced. Nobody wanted a repeat of that day.

Ziah smiled assuringly, "They will, Vikram. Just trust me on this."

He did not come inside their house and left. And Ziah was glad for that. She knew her father wouldn't appreciate his presence.

Upon entering the house, Ziah's parents were taken aback. Joyous tears streamed down their faces as they hugged their daughter, relieved to see her after a long time. Her dadi and dadaji were weeping.  Amar, her father, couldn't hide his emotions, "We were so worried, beta."

Ziah reassured them, "I'm fine, Papa. Everything's okay now."

Amar shook his head and cupped her face.
"This is all my fault, princess. I shouldn't have triggered Vikram's anger. He attacked our house, kidnapped you and kept me locked in a dungeon. All because of me."

Ziah could notice the tone of hatred for Vikram in his voice. She decided that it was not the right time to sing Vikram's praises.


Later that evening, as Ziah settled into her room, her parents and brother joined her. Concern etched across their faces seeing her. She gave them a small smile and rested her head on her father's lap. They asked her how she was feeling.

Ziah took a deep breath, ready to share the events that had transpired.

"I was kidnapped by Jairaj," she revealed, shocking her parents. Guilt filled the room as Amar realized they had trusted the wrong person. Her mother was confused and looked at her with a bewildered face.

"Who is Jairaj? I thought you were taken by Vikram." She asked the three of them.

"Jairaj is Mitali aunty's father. He came to me to saying that he knows where dad and Ziah are. I took his help to rescue dad. But when I went to Vikram's island to bring back Ziah...It was all a part of Jairaj's plan. He wanted to destroy Vikram so he used Ziah. And Mitali was involved in this too."

Amar and his wife were out of words. They couldn't believe Mitali can do something like that.

They embraced their daughter who had been through a lot in the past few days.

Ziah went on to describe Vikram's heroic actions, emphasizing how he had saved her.
"Dad, Vikram found me and saved me from Jairaj. He-He loves me dad."

Ziah was looking at her father with tears in her eyes. She wanted him to accept them.

"You are saying this, Ziah? You have seen what he did to us that day. His men attacked our home and he not only kept me imprisoned but abducted you too." Amar said, not believing that his daughter was having a soft corner for someone like Vikram. Ziah was very innocent at heart and easily gullible. He was of the thoughts that Vikram's sweet words had lured her.

"I know what he did was wrong. But he did that because he was scared of losing me. He is not bad, he just loves me too much." She explained further to her father who had no change in his expression.

Raghav, Ziah's brother, spoke up, surprising everyone, "Vikram loves Ziah a lot. He risked his life to save her."

Amar looked at him in shock. Raghav hated Vikram the most. And yet, he was taking his side.

"I was wrong about Vikram. We cannot find a better guy for Ziah. I have seen the way he cares about her. Even a slight scratch on her has him worried as hell. I think you should accept their relationship."

Amar, still grappling with his emotions, left the room without saying a word. His children looked at his retreating figure with a disappointed face.

Ziah turned to her mother, "Mom, Vikram is not a bad person. He would never hurt me."

Her mother looked into her eyes and said, "All I want is your happiness, Ziah."

"And if my happiness is in Vikram?"


Hello readers!
Sorry for the short chapter. My drafts were deleted suddenly so I had to write everything again.
Thank you for reading and I hope you liked the chapter.

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