Chapter 15

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Some people always have a smile covering their lips. They try to be happy in every situation, despite the odds. But for some people smile is a once in a blue moon occurrence. Their lives are blanketed by dark clouds of sadness that restricts the curving of their lips into a smile. Vikram was the latter one.

He had stopped smiling a long time ago. Happiness was a foreign feeling to him for a long time in his life. But change is the inevitable potion of life. There came a change in his life, because of the arrival of a certain timid girl. He started feeling the emotions of happiness and affection. And most importantly he started smiling.

He had never helped someone like the way he was desperately helping Ziah. The expression of sadness on her face was unacceptable to him. She should always be smiling, he had decided. And he was ready to reach heights to make her happy.

He was walking towards his room late at night when a voice stopped him.

"Wait." The feminine voice said, and he heard footsteps nearing him on the rich marble.

Mitali stopped beside him and said,"There is a small puja in the house tomorrow . I and your father have organised it for the well being of our children. So please be at home."

He scoffed and looked at her with a look of disbelief.
"You both have organized it for your children. Why do you want me here?" He asked her.

She was shocked and shook her head.
"You are our child too-"

He stopped her mid sentence and said with an angry look, "I am not your child. You are not my mother. So Stop this act of kindness and motherhood."

Mitali was left utterly shocked. She knew her and Rajiv's actions in the past were harsh. But she had never hated Vikram.

"You are wrong. This is not an act. And if you don't want to call me mom fine. But atleast think of your father. He loves you." She said with an emotional look.

He looked away, shaking his head. There was no way he was going to attend something his father was doing for his children. He started walking towards his room and had reached when she said,
"Ziah is going to be there too. Don't keep her alone like you have done for the last three years."


The mansion was decorated in beautiful yellow and orange flowers to commence the puja. A few guests had already made it there and were busy chatting.

The Malhotra ladies entered the mansion with slight nervousness. They had always carried a sense of anger towards the hosts. Vikram's family was not their most favorite.
Especially after the past events between the two families. But because of the relationship of Ziah and the Aditya's they had no choice left.

Ziah looked around the house carefully. All the other times she had been here she knew that Vikram was not in the city. He had always left her alone. But today it was different. She knew he was in the city and there was a chance of them encountering each other.

She was a little excited much to her surprise. Despite his last actions that had made her feel bad in front of her friends she wanted to meet him. It was strange how she wanted to meet the man again, whom she once despised.

"Oh, my god! Ziah you look stunning." Vidhi said, coming towards her with a huge smile. Ziah was wearing a saree and she knew it was looking good on her because of the numerous compliments she had recieved yet.

She thanked her sister-in-law and greeted her mother and father-in-law. She wanted to ask about Vikram but was too shy to do that. So she hoped that they would give her a clue of his whereabouts.

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