Good Neighbor

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                            So i just moved into this house and my neighbors are what seem like very nice people. They had me over for dinner today and it was very pleasant and lovely. Now as i sit in my living room watching a movie and relaxing i swear i just heard screams come from their house. I mute the t.v. turn out the lights and listen like a creeper. I know it sounds weird but a scream is a scream and it has me curious. I hear another scream and i move closer to the balcony door and slightly crack it open to hear better. It sounds like the wife is in trouble but i can't be sure. I hear what sounds like a whip being cracked followed by an even louder scream. So i do what any good neighbor would do and i call the  police as i head over to the neighbors house.

                              As i get close to the front door i can hear smashing sounds and more screams. I want to rush in and see if she is ok and help but lets face it i  know i am no match for her husband if he  is abusing her and decide to just wait for the police. A few more screams and minutes pass by when the  police finally make an appearance. I explain what i have been hearing and what i think is going on and just as i finish explaining she screams again and yells please please let me, that is when the police broke down the door and entered and i followed inside with  them. We hear noises upstairs and head up prepared for the worst. What we find though is nothing like what i imagined.

                            This man has his  woman tied up with rope. She is tied with her legs spread apart  as far as they will go. Her wrists are tied together and do a hook hanging from the ceiling. She has welts and slashes from im assuming  the whip he is holding in his hand and she is covered  in sweat and tears. The police instantly put him  in cuffs. As they are untying her i let her know that i could hear her screams and i  am glad that we got to her in time. What she does next surprises all of us including her husband.

                          This beautiful beaten woman picks up the  whip her husband had and we all assume she is going to strike him with it but no. This woman turns on me and starts striking me with this whip like i  am a bull that  got out of  the gate. Everytime she strikes me she is screaming at me as well. I am on the ground covering my head with my arms while getting beat with a whip  by a woman  i just helped save and i  am so confused. When she finally stops i look up to see her crying hard and holding her husband. The police and i  are  officially confused and have no idea  what  just happened.

                          " As i sit with my husband i decide it's time to calm and explain what happened. I proceed to tell the police that it's called  a scene  and we both consented to what was happening. I was screaming because it felt good and he was denying me my orgasm. I wanted the pleasure to build so i could cum but  he didn't want me to cum yet. That is when the officer asked why i was yelling to please let me, i stopped him again and explained that i beg to cum. I beg for my release and the longer he denies me the harder i cum when i am allowed. The more i beg the  longer he makes me wait. Then i look at my neighbor and straight to his face i tell him i appreciate that he was concerned but he denied me my orgasm and pleasure not minding his own business and i would appreciate it if everyone would leave my house and uncuff my husband so we  can finish because i have been a very good girl and i would like my fucking reward now. As the cop uncuffs my husband he apologizes and bids us a good night. The neighbor with a very red face and embarressed look apologizes and says good night. "

                          As we are walking out of the room and back down stairs i can't help but think one that was kinky as fuck to find out what was really going on up there. Two being whipped like that made my dick rock hard. Three i swear i just heard him ask if she was ready to be violated and used like the dirty slut she is and her fucking response was yes master. I need to research what i saw and the terms they were  using because this  shit has me curious and i have never had my cock get that hard instantly as i did when i got whipped for being bad. This experience has taught me a couple things. Next time call and see  if everything is ok or just check myself. Probably will go a lot better. Not everyone has a vanilla sex life and  that is ok. I am intrigued and i really want to know more. See what i get for trying to be a good neighbor.

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