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                    " Sick of vanilla and plain. Woman in her 30's looking for an interesting not plain and boring night."  This was the ad i wanted to put in the paper but lets face it i do that and i will be the next missing person on a poster you see. Not the smartest way to find a guy to rock my world but i am almost that desperate. I decide against it and i get ready to go out to the club with my friend. she insists that i need to go out more and since she is paying i am not going to argue. It's not like i have a life or anything important or exciting going on. We get to the front door and get our stamps for the night showing we paid the cover charge at the door. We instantly get a drink and hit the dance floor. If not to just burn some energy and frustration dancing is fabulous exercise. Half of why i am in the shape that i am.

                     About an hour after entering the club this man showed up and sat at the bar and i have to say gorgeous doesn't even cover it. He was chiseled by the gods. Covered in tattoos with a fucking viking beard and the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen. He has been staring at me for a while now and honestly it's making me wet as fuck. He is staring into my soul and the smirk he has on his face is slightly dangerous but way more enticing than anything.
I gather up the nerve and head over to where he is sitting. " Is this seat taken sir?" The minute i said it i swear to god he growled. I mean like a wild animal faral growl. With gritted teeth and a smile " It sure isn't princess, please sit." Wow i don't have any idea why but when he said princess i swear to god i came right there. My body shivered and i had to steady myself before i sat on the bar stool so i didn't fall the fuck over.  His voice is so deep and commanding hearing him say that was something ive never heard. I sit on the stool and place my drink on the bar then turn to look at him. He is very distinguished and beyond handsome. He holds himself with confidence, not arrogant but like he doesn't care if i give him attention or not he is just here for him. I ask where he is from and we start talking back and forth, just some small talk getting to know a little bit about each other. Out of no where my friend comes up, throws the keys at me and tells me she is leaving with a guy she met tonight. She will be home tomorrow so just take the car. " You have had a few drinks, you don't seem drunk but i still don't feel comfortable letting you drive. Allow me to take you home. The car will be fine here tonight i promise." With that he motions for the bartender to come over, they talk for a minute and then from behind the bar comes the biggest guy i have ever seen. He walks straight up to me and the man whos name i have learned is AJ, he looks at me and holds out his hand. I don't know what's going on so i just sit there. Aj takes the keys out of my hand and gives them to the other guy in front of us. " Garage or Private storage til tomorrow boss?" Aj answers with private storage and the guy nods and walks aways. Boss? Thats the only thought i have as aj grabs my hand, " ready princess?".  Well i guess aj is taking me home.

                           We get in his car and start heading out. I realize shortly after we left that we are not heading toward my house. " Where are we going aj?" " Well i wanted to talk and get to know you more so i thought we could go to my place and have something to eat while we finish our conversation?" I admit with the alcohol i have had that some food would be good for me and he is willing to cook so why not. We talk some more along the way. As we pull up to his house  my jaw drops. It's like a old colonial style mansion. There are classic cars and motorcycles outside and a door man waiting for us. I am so shocked i can't move, i am standing outside the car now just froze and staring. Aj comes around to my side and grabs my hand. I startle and jump a little to which he just laughs lightly and  walks us closer to the  house. As we reach the front door it opens for us and we just walk right in, by now i have some major questions and im pretty sure he can tell that. He smiles at me nods toward the kitchen and says come on. Once we reach the kitchen there is a full  spread on the table. Any and every snack food and  junk food i could ever want was on this table. As it turns out  this is what aj has set  up for every night he goes out so he can come home and snack and doesn't have to worry about alcohol on an empty stomach. Good idea i must say. I tell him what i want and as i am sitting down he gets our food. Once we are seated with our plates he begins talking about his family and how they have been around for generations. As it turns out aj is the son of the  biggest investor and owner of property in our little town here. That definitely took care of a few of the questions i had rolling around in  my head.

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