No, Whats That?

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Daddy has this word he uses with me and i don't like it much less care to listen to it. See i am what you call a sub. I am submissive and love having a daddy to take care of me and cherish every part of me. But, i hate the word NO. He knows this and still he enjoys telling me no. Now grant you i am a sub yes but, i am what you would call a bratty sub. He says no, i do it any way. He tells me i can't have something, i take it. Yes i am being a brat and not listening, I understand this and yes i do it on purpose. I behave in this way because i want daddy to punish me. I want daddy to use that certain tone with me that makes me wet between my legs. I want daddy to look at me with the look of your in trouble now little one and know he means it. i behave this way because daddy will punish me and that is what i want. Let me explain......

I asked daddy if i could have a doughnut and he told me no. I waited til he left the room and i ate the delicious pastry in two bites. He came back in and noticed that a doughnut was missing and asked if i ate it. I looked him dead in the eyes and said "yup" and walked away from him. Now most people wouldn't see a problem here but there is trust me there is. First i did what i was told NOT to do. Then i said yup instead of yes sir or yes daddy which he absolutely hates and last i walked away when he was not done talking. All are going to result in a punishment. As i walk to my bedroom i can hear him following behind me. My pussy starts to get wet and my nipples stand at attention. I can't wait for what daddy has in store.

As he enters my room he has his riding crop in his hand and has already removed everything but his jeans. He gets close to where i am laying on my bed and kneels down next to me. He grabs me by my hair and forces me to look him in the eyes. "Do you like disobeying me little one" he rasps out. Still being bratty i shake my head yes. He lets go of my hair and stands up. " Take off your pants, your in trouble." Fuck yes just what i have been waiting for, i stand and remove my pants and panties and then lay back on the bed. Again daddy leans forward, " now i will ask again, do you like disobeying me little one?" i again shake my head yes and........smack the riding crop hits my bare ass cheek and my pussy comes alive. I instantly feel wet and my tight little hole contracts. "Are you going to keep disobeying me?" another shake of my head and three more strikes to my ass with the riding crop. I hear daddy groan and move closer to my sensitive area. He grabs me by my arm and flips me over on the bed so i am looking at the ceiling. " Do you want to keep acting like a little brat or do you wanna be daddy's good little girl now." BRAT i yell at him and wham right across my swollen tight pussy he smacks me with the riding crop. I yelp and instantly tell him i am sorry. Now however it is too late.

Daddy is punishing the brat out of me and i asked for this so now i need to deal with it. He strikes my pussy three more times with the riding crop and i beg please daddy im gonna cum please can i. One more strike right to my clit, 'NO you may not. Getting you worked up and ready to pop was fun but this is your punishment. You wanna be a little brat and not listen you may not cum. You may not touch yourself to release the tension of the built up orgasm either. If you cum without permission we will start all over again until you listen and hold the urge to climax. do you understand me little one?" I whimper out a yes sir as i close my legs tight and think of anything but the riding crop and daddy's cock inside me. I should of known that being spanked would not be my punishment, daddy's knows i love it way to much. Now the rest of the day and night i have to watch daddy walk around half naked with a hard cock and im not allowed to pleasure myself with him or by myself. Maybe i should rethink the whole brat thing next time. PPP Pfft FFF No, what's that??

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