the new year

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so im gonna do a big timeskip to NYE cos why not & i also dont know what else to write lol
this will have the events that took place on my new years eve & shit i did🥰

new years eve... i cant believe it's already here. i got invited to a party so it should be fun. im going with wendy & bebe.

i spent the day doing random things so the day can end faster until around 10:30 pm when the girls show up at my house.

we start walking to where the party is except wendy decided to put of the blue say that some guy she met on tinder is coming. im upset she didnt tell us beforehand but whatever.

we meet ip with him & he wasnt the best looking. oh well we just make our way to the party.

when we got there everyone was already drunk or high, or both. i decided to have couple drinks cos its new years.

"hey y/n! wanna do some cones with us?" kenny shouts when he sees me. i shrug & go over there, a little nervous as its my first time.

they explain how your supposed to do it & i do my first one with all eyes on me. immediately after i start coughing my lungs up.

"holy shit are you okay?" kyle asked

i nodded, still coughing, "im fine, think im gonna die for a bit"

the night carried on & soon it was 1:30 am, kyle, kenny, stan & i decide to go to a random park.

we got there & just chilled for a bit. i was with kyle while the other two were together.

kyle & i were just chilling on the swings, i was very high at this point & i thought i heard someone say my name. not one of the boys, it sounded like an old man.

i freaked out & jumped off the swing, "did you hear that?" i asked kyle. he nodded "lets go to the others, everything is gonna be okay"

i was shaking at this point, & tears were falling down. i was in a part of town i wasnt familiar with & was hearing things. i never stopped looking behind me.

we got to the others & kyle explained the situation. they tried to reassure me everything would be fine. we then decided itd be time to leave. it was now 3 am.

"do you wanna hold my hand? so you feel safer.." kyle suggested. i nodded & took his hand in mine.

his hands were very soft & made me feel a little better.

time skip<3

we decided to go to a 7/11 for some donuts before we went home, they all decided to crash at mine since it was now 3:50 am.

we got the donuts & walked to my house which took 10 minutes. we got there, i unlocked the door & told them all to be quiet.

we went to my room, ate some donuts, played monopoly but around 4:50 am stan was pretty much passed out. so we decided to go to bed.

sorry for the lack of updates😭 i hope you enjoyed since this was my favourtie one to write cos NYE for me was heaps of fun.

& one of my friends was genuinly dead while we played monopoly

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