Chapter 1

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I followed Levi and Lucas into the San Diego Insane Asylum... The old asylum is abandoned now, but at one point held the country's most disturbed, mentally unstable, sick minded people.....

They say if you enter you will be scared so badly you will die of fear, if the figure doesn't get you first.... I don't believe in ghosts or anything so I had no fear in entering. I don't know why you would think an abandoned building that was supposedly haunted would scare you to death....

So I followed the two boys, not knowing that the decision would be the mistake that would change our lives forever......

Authors note:

Because I wrote this as a short story, each chapter is a paragraph from the story. The chapters will be very short because of this. Updating will be irregular because I am busy with school and sports and what not so sorry if the updates are slow!

Hope you like this story!

- SB

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