Chapter 7

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I realized that I didn't have to die.

I could fight my way out of there; I did not have to give up. I did not have to live this life I have.

I would fight for it.

With a surge of adrenaline, I lunged towards and through the black figure. I would not let my family lose me.

Levi and Lucas followed my lead; we ran down the hallway with the figure following us. We reached the door at the other end and thankfully it lead to a surgical room with old tools on the tray beside the table.

We ran through the room, towards another corridor in which we could see the exit of the Asylum at the end.We ran out of the asylum to safety or at least what we thought was safety.

For the haunting hadn't even begun.

Levi and Lucas turned to me, looked at me and walked away.

Authors note:

There is one more chapter after this one. So yea....


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