Chapter 3

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When the boys and I entered the asylum you could immediately feel the weight of despair, grief, and insanity chill you to the bone. Levi and Lucas immediately went quiet.....

The hollowness..... the emptiness. It was so overwhelming. It felt as though we were suffocating in a blanket of silence, a silence so deafening it felt as though I was alone.....

The feelings of despair, and grief faded, and pure fear came over our bodies, fear that made the hairs on our arms stand up, fear that froze us from the inside out. The fear of something dark hiding in the shadows....

Something that sees, hears, and could hear us.... Something that lives only in the darkest, least visited corners of our minds. Something we are defenceless against; something so much worse than the dark.

Authors Note:

I decided to do a double update because I have no idea when I will be able to update again.... I know the chapters are short, but I have a limited amount of writing to work with... Might do a sequel, but I'm not sure at this point. Hope you enjoy!

- SB

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