Chapter 7 - Final Chapter

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No word of thanks, just meaningless gazes.

What we did not know is that we were now connected, the only survivors of the asylum. We should not have survived but we did.

Little did we know then was that the spirits of the asylum wanted us gone, not leave town gone, but permanently gone. The fight to leave behind this experience was far from over.

It would haunt us until we died. We would have to fight to live, for we were connected to each other and the asylum, connected to death...

That asylum was going to be involved in our deaths, whether they were tragic or natural, the spirits would be involved. The horror and evil would forever be in our lives, hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike.

As of right now, everything is fine. Who knows how long that would last through? Years, weeks, months, or days? Who knows when this asylum could appear right back into our lives?

Who knew how everything could change in one evening? I wish I had never followed them…. 

Words of advice: never under any circumstances go into the San Diego Insane Asylum.

You will regret it, especially if you survive.

Authors note:

Hey! Final chapter! I really hope you enjoyed this short story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Sequel may happen not sure yet. will let you know.


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