Chapter 5

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Levi and Lucas crawled towards the door; as they approached the door slowly opened on it's own... Nothing was on the other side, just an empty hallway with no doors, just one exit at the end with nowhere to run or hide. We heard the laugh again, which sounded as though the source was right behind us.

We ran into the hallway to escape the sound, to get out of this nightmare. About five feet into the hallway, the door behind us slammed shut with a terrible bang. We all jumped and started to run; we felt an evil, devious presence behind is, all of us to terrified to look. The laughing grew became louder and louder until it was unbearable; there flashes of black and grey surrounding us. We could not hear our own screams for the laughing was so loud.

It stopped so suddenly, it felt as though we had died. Yet when we opened our eyes and we were on our knees in the hallway. My presence was still unknown to Levi and Lucas. We all turned to see a pure black figure slowly moving towards us down to hallway, advancing with the feelings of despair, doom, grief, and insanity growing stronger the closer the spectre came to us.

As Levi and Lucas turned to run, they became aware of my presence, they ran and grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hallway. When we reached to door on the opposite end of the hallway, it was locked firmly. We couldn't open the door no matter what we tried. We turned and saw the figure still advancing on us, the feelings growing stronger by the second.


Authors Note:

Thanks for reading what I have so far! I have been working for my sister so I haven't been on a ton, but I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it!

- SB

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