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-Big guy? - Macau says getting up from the armchair where he was lying, Macau got up with difficulty, after all he hadn't left the room for some time, the youngest didn't want to leave his love alone. Macau felt guilty for what happened, thought his big guy would leave and never come back.

-My love, where am I? -Big speaks with great difficulty.

-Big, you woke up, I miss hearing your voice, my love. - Macau says taking Big's hand gently. - answering your question, you are in the hospital.

-Macau, you are so thin, what happened? Why am I here? - Big says after spending a few minutes watching Macau.

-No, my love, I'm in shape, in short, you got in front of Porsche when Vegas was going to shoot him. -Macau says running his hands through Big's hair.

-Oh, I don't remember, the only thing I remember is your voice telling me not to leave you, maybe that's what motivated me to be strong and endure until the end, I love you, Macau.

-I love you too, my love, but now you need to rest, when you wake up we can talk better.

-Okay, I'm only going because you're asking, but first a question, and how is Vegas? still talking to him after all?

-I don't want to talk about him, I never want to see him again in my life, but now go rest, you need to. - Macau says giving a kiss on Big's forehead.

-OK my love. -Big talks and soon falls asleep.

Macau stays with Big until he falls asleep, when Big finally sleeps for real, Macau leaves him and goes to the armchair, Macau finally felt that he could take a nap in peace.

30 minutes passed and Big woke up, Macau was still sleeping in the armchair.


Macau listens and starts to squirm in his chair.

-Oh, he's sleeping, I'll let him sleep, how long have I been here? -Big asks himself, but of course he can't answer.

Someone knocks on the door, a low noise, but still Big listens and says:

-Who is it?

-Can we come in?

-Oh, you can.

Pol, Pete, Ken and some other bodyguards enter the room, one at a time, first Pol enters, then Pete, then ken and right behind him the others enter.

-Hi, Big, how are you feeling? - asks Pol getting closer to him.

-Hi, Pol, I'm fine, just having trouble breathing, but soon I'll be fine.

-For you, Big. - Pete speaks delivering a bouquet of red flowers.

-Thank you, they're beautiful.

- Hey man, how long has it been? - Ken speaks

-Yes, Macau didn't answer me, how long have I been here? -Big talks getting ready in bed a little.

-So.... you've been in a coma for a year, everyone had already given up on you, they were without hope, except Macau, he was the only one who believed that you could still wake up.

-Serious? I knew he wouldn't give up on me, he never did and I hope he never gives up on me, I love him so much.

While he says that, Macau wakes up and gets up little by little and when he gets up he goes towards the older man.

-Hey love


-What is that noise? - Macau talks about a noise that was coming from the machine where Big's heartbeat was beating.

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