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"Wow, is Terresia's World Tree huge! And this world is full of mana. Do you know about mana? The World Tree produces mana, which gives energy to the earth and all life on it. We all share on its blessing. It's your job to protect this world, and the World Tree that makes it live. That's your job as a Descender. It's why you were born here. Oh, that's right, I wasn't through explaining that! Descenders are the World's protectors, born from the World Tree in times of need. This world is called Terresia, and you are its Descender. I'm a Descender from another world, Yaoon. I told you that earlier, right? This world is being threatened by an earth- consuming monster. My world, Yaoon... the land, its inhabitants... That thing ate them all." Mormo's expression changed from that of wonder and amazement to that of grief.

"Everything but a tiny splinter if the World Tree that held me. After that, it moved on to Terresia... looking for its next meal, I guess. I want to ask for you and everyone in this world's help in beating that beast." Mormo said, looking at me as if expecting me to reply. And so I did.
"You want my help?"
"I hate to admit it, but I know I'm no match for that thing alone. It's your enemy, too. I'll do whatever I can to help."

Determination filled Mormo's little frame and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Aaanyway, let's do what we can for this place. C'mon!" At that, Mormo flew off. I quickly ran to catch up to him.

"Woah, what's going on over there?" Mormo said. We had stopped in the city Plaza after noticing a large crowd gathering. In the center of it were two men and two guards wearing the same armor like the lone soldier from earlier. The guards were holding a poorly dressed man between them.

"P-please! Forgive me, Lord Ganser!" A man said. "Hyeh hyeh hyeh. We have a rule against leaving this town. You broke it. A rule-breaker like you must be a spy for those outsiders after our tree!" Sneered a richly dressed man. The man wore all purple and I could only gag quietly at the richly dressed man. However, I was confused. 'Steal the tree? Nobody can steal a tree that big...' I thought. "No, sir! That's not true! M-my daughter is sick. I just left to gather some herbs. I'm no spy!" The man pleaded.

"Hyeh, hyeheh! Spare me your lies. This man is exiled from the town! Take him away!" The man laughed. I growled and reached for my sword. However, I was stopped by another man wearing a purplish blue outfit. His hair was red and he shook his head, stopping me from attacking. He then walked off and I watched him leave, puzzling over the man.

"Yes sir!" The guards said. "Ngh! Th-this is insane!" The man shouted. I turned back to the scene in front of me and I scowled. Clearly irritated by the man that has declared himself leader of this town. "I am merely protecting the peace of this town from this who would steal our World Tree! We're leaving!" The man in purple scowled. "Yes sir!" The guards said.

"Wow... People can't leave the town? That's a stupid law..." Mormo's voice interrupted my thoughts on how how to kill this man without getting caught and I looked at the flying cat creature. "And what's that about other countries being after the World Tree...?" Mormo asked. "This place is weird..." I muttered softly. "Well, let's just get to the bottom of this." Mormo said. He then flew off and I sighed before I jogged to catch up to him.

Tales of the World: Radiant MythologyWhere stories live. Discover now