Kanonno Explains Ad Libitum

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"Okay, let me explain our guild, Ad Libitum, in a bit more detail." Kanonno started. Seeing as how we will be there for some time, we made ourselves comfortable on a nearby bench. "There are Ad Libitum chapters in every city, though ours is underground now. Our job is as members of Ad Libitum is to take on requests from the townspeople. By extension, we're working to preserve peace in the world."

"World peace..." Mormo muttered thoughtfully. Kanonno looked away, a bit sad. "The people of Terrasia live under the constant fear of that earth-consuming beast. People who have lost their homes are left to live from day to day as refugees."

"'Earth-consuming beast'?!" Mormo looked more angry than concerned. I let out a yelp in surprise at Mormo's outburst. Kanonno only smiled widely and continued. "It appeared out of the blue, and keeps eating the land, even now. We call it the Devourer. It's completely different from any of this world's creatures." Kanonno said gently. "The Devourer... I guess it's collecting names as it collects worlds..." Mormo still had this thoughtful look on his face. "Lots of people have come here as refugees after losing their homes to it... but ever since Ganser took control, there's no getting in or out of town for anyone. Refugees or otherwise..." Kanonno looked away.

"But why? Why would you make a rule like that?!" Mormo exclaimed. "This town is home to the World Tree. It provides Terrasia with mana, which keeps the Devourer at bay. Ganser claims other countries are after the tree, and that we shouldn't let them in... But everyone is scared and upset by the accusations he slings and the way he's closed the town off." Kanonno spoke quietly. "I'll bet... And it looked like people were having trouble getting food and things." Kanonno spoke up again. "Those townspeople's cries for help come to us. Ad Libitum takes on those requests. Whether it's leaving town to gather items, or delivering things, or whatever."

"We call those tasks "quests"."

"I see, I see. So you guys spend most of your time taking care of those quests?" Mormo asked. Kanonno nodded. "Right. First, you'd go to the guild and accept a quest. Next, you go talk to the person who requested it, then do whatever they need you to do. Onve you're done, you head back to that person and deliver a report."


"Aside from that, Ad Libitum is also working to free the town from Ganser's oppression." Kanonno smiled softly. I smiled widely. "I guess we'd better do out best, then!" I said excitedly, standing up and pumping my fists into the air. "I'm rooting for you. The World Tree's mana is meant for everyone." Kanonno smiled warmly. "If we don't do something to stop the Devourer, there'll be no future for any of us. Try your best to become a full member of Ad Libitum." Kanonno said, smiling widely.

"Once you do, you'll be able to change jobs at the guild and recruit allies to join you at the inn. Raine is the one who'll be introducing you to the quests in this town."

"Correct. I'll handle all registration. But why don't you take a look around town, first?" Raine suggested. I nodded. "Alright. Sounds good." I said. Raine continued. "There are other members of Ad Libitum thay you'll want to meet. My younger brother is one of them. His name is Genis, and I'm sure he'll help you out if you have any trouble. In any case, go meet and greet. Surely work can wait until after you've seen everyone." Raine explained. "You're right. With the help of Ad Libitum, we may be able to beat the Devourer. All right, let's do this!" Mormo exclaimed. "Heck yeah!" I smile widely.


Whew. This was a long chapter. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it. As always, please leave a comment on how I could improve the story. There was a lot of speaking too. XD be prepared for more in the next chapter as well. Anyways, it will be some time before there well be some action. Anyways.... Bye~!

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