The Beginning

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A gorgeous woman wearing a flowing green dress stood in front of me. Her brown hair fell like waves down her back and her blue eyes were warm and gentle as she looked at me, smiling faintly. However, her eyes revealed the fear that she felt. Small blue and green lights floated through the air around us as I looked around in awe. We were floating in a white expanse, but it felt as if solid ground was beneath our feet. The woman spoke. Her voice was like the water streams that were heard in the distance. Gentle and calming. "Please... save Terrassia... Save it from the monster that threatens our very existence..."

She started to fade in with the white expanse. But soon, that faded into darkness. Soon, I would hear a male's voice.

"...Wake up! Your world, Terresia! Is in real trouble!" I continue to lie on the ground, not quite wanting to move as I felt the grass gently brush against my skin and clothes. The voice tried again. "C'mon! Wake up!" I opened my eyes to see a cat-like creature flying overhead and I yawn before standing up. I looked around to see a cavern with grass and flowers. Small waterfalls, tree roots, and rivers trickled into the small cavern.

"You with me now? You had me worried for a minute." The creature spoke again. "Who are you?" I asked, looking at the flying creature. "I'm Mormo! Thanks for answering my call." Mormo said. I only stared at him, completely confused. Seeing my confusion, The oddly cute creature spoke again. "I was the one who asked the World Tree for you're birth." Mormo said. My thoughts only turned to the woman. 'The World Tree? She didn't look like a tree to me...'

Mormo's voice interrupted my thoughts. "And you're name is...?" 'Kai...' A soft voice echoed around the cavern and the cat seemed oblivious to it. I looked around for the owner of the voice but I didn't see anyone else except for the creature and myself. "Ah, Kai." I stammered. "Alright. Nice to meet you." The creature said. I don't think he really heard me... "Same. Now um... where are we again?" I remembered the woman saying something, but I couldn't remember it...

"This world is called Terresia, and you're a 'Descender,' born from Terresia's World Tree. You're probably a little lost, just being born and all." I raised an eyebrow. "No duh." I muttered. Mormo continued on as if he hadn't heard me.

"Don't worry. I'm here for you. See, I'm a Descender, too. Not from this world, though. My world's called Yaoon. Actually, wait... do you know about Descenders?" I shook my head. "See, this world is..." a girl's scream interrupts Mormo and we both looked around. "A scream?!" Mormo exclaimed. "I'll explain later, come on! Let's follow that voice!" Mormo exclaimed. I nodded and started running towards the direction that the scream came from.

We ran through some twisting tunnels until we arived at a cavern much like the one that I had awoken in, but larger. The mini waterfalls trickled through the cavern, adding their soft rhythm of the music that the tree itself seemed to be playing.

Once there, we saw a girl with pink hair and a guard wearing a complete set of dirt brown armor. "Look! That girl's getting attacked! We gotta help her!"
The soldier saw Mormo and I before he walked to us. "Never seen the likes of you around town. More spies?!"

"...Spies?" Mormo asked. "Whatever. I'll finish the whole lot of you!" The guard said, his voice filled with overconfidence. At that, he attacked. The guard wielded a battle axe and would have cut me up in pieces if Mormo hadn't shouted in warning. I backflipped away from the attack and leaped to safety. "Here! Use this!" The pink haired girl shouted. She threw a simple sheathed sword towards me and I jumped overhead the guard, catching it. I landed and turned around to see the blade of a battle axe heading right towards my head.

I lunge to the side to avoid getting my head sliced in half but I did not escape unharmed. The axe cut into my leg and I shout in pain. Drawing the sword that the girl gave me, I whirled around to face the guard that called us spies. "Bastard!" I shouted. I charged towards him, my sword pointed and aimed right for his gut. He smirked as if he expected it and I clutched the sheath with my free hand. The guard brought up the now faintly bloody axe and prepared to attack me, but I was prepared.

I swing the sheath down and knocked the axe back down onto the ground as I swing my sword, decapitating the guard. I dropped to my hands and knees a couple of feet away before sitting to look at my wound. Kanonno would then hand me some gel. "Here. This should help you." She said, smiling softly. I smiled softly before eating it. Kanonno smiled as my wound healed.

"Hey, you okay?" Mormo asked. The pink girl nodded before she answered our question with one of her own. "Who are you...?" However, a man with sky blue hair and matching eyes ran up to us. "Kanonno!! Are you all right?" He exclaimed as he started to look over the girl he called Kanonno. "Chester... I'm fine. These people saved me." She said as she gestured towards Mormo and I. "I'm Mormo! This here's Kai!" Mormo said. "Uh, I'm Chester. Chester Barklight." The blue haired male said. "Looks like you helped Kanonno. Thanks." He smiled softly at us.

"Hmm... I haven't seen you two before. Are you refugees?"

"...First "spies," now "refugees"? What are you talking about?" Mormo asked. I grabbed him by one of his back legs. "Well, you're not from here, are you? Where'd you come from?" Chester asked. I couldn't exactly tell him a crazy answer like the World Tree, but...

"I... I don't know..." I said softly. "...I see..." chester said. "You're lucky. It's really hard for refugees to enter the town." He smiled softly. He looked like he was about to say something, but the girl he called Kanonno would interrupt. "Wait... So, you don't remember anything...?" She asked. "You too, huh? Nothing at all from before you got here..." her voice faded and Chester spoke up again. "Well get spotted of we hang around here. Let's go home, Kanonno." He said. "Right. Um... I'm Kanonno. Thank you for saving me back there. I've got to get back..."

"Kai. If you've got nowhere else to go, look for a man named Kratos in town. Just say you're there about Ad Libitum. They'll understand. Well, later! I'm sure we'll meet again." The two smiled softly before leaving.

"And he's gone..." Mormo said. "This place doesn't look too good. Let's had to the town! I'd like to get some info about this world, too." He said. And with that, we left.


One, I apologize for not being active enough. No real inspiration honestly.

Two, I do not own the music. All right go to their respective owners.


Three, thank you for reading this story. Please help me with any ideas that you guys, as readers, can lend me. Thank you.

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