Getting to Know our Neighbors... and Others?

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We walked out of the building to hear a commotion. "Huh?" Mormo and I looked at each other, curious. "What is all that noise?" Mormo asked. Soon, we would hear a guard shout something that sent shivers down our spines and caused me to grip my sword tightly, furious. "Halt! You're under suspicion of spying! We're taking you in!" The man said. "I'll take you in..." I growled. "Into a dump that is." However, another viuce stopped me from acting. Another man's voice. "Damn it, they don't give up. That's it! I'm gonna destroy 'em!" The young man growled, loud enough for us to hear.

"We're outnumbered. If they put up wanted posters, we could have the whole town hunting for us." Came a woman's voice. I scoffed. 'As if the people want to help those good for nothing guards.' I thought to myself. Mormo seemed to have the same idea, but he didn't speak. "So, you have any brilliant ideas?" Came the male's voice again. "Let's hide here."

"Like hell! These are my favorite shoes! I'm not gonna ruin them!" 'Dang... this guy sounds conceited...' I thought to myself. The woman seemed to be annoyed with him as she let out a sigh. "...... Do as you please. Just don't expect me to help you when you get arrested." She stated simply. I had to withold a snort of laughter. "Gah, what's your problem? Fine, you want me to hide, I'll hide! Geez!" The young man shouted. The two people would hide. With us.

"Where'd they go? Over there?"  The guard's footsteps were heard receding into the distance. "Loks like they've gone." The brown haired and blue eyed woman said. However, she would notice us. "Oh, hello there." She said, smiling softly. "H-hello?" Mormo seemed surprised by that. Guess he was too busy looking in the opposite direction...

I then shook my head and smiled softly. "Hello." I said. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was interrupted. By the red haired arrogant jerk. "C'mon,  let's go." The red head said. The young man would then drag the light brown haired woman away.

"What a weird pair..." Mormo commented. "It looked like they were being chased." I only gave him a look. "Really?" I asked. "What?" Mormo asked, looking at me. "'It looked like they were being chased.' ?" I copied. "Your rear end must be carrying you way too high up into the clouds if you weren't listening to the guards that were following them." I retorted. "What's gotten into you?" Mormo asked. I only sighed. "Nothing. Just wish that you would actually pay attention. Some Defender you are." I grumbled before I walked off. Mormo exclaimed in surprise before he quickly flew after me.


So sorry for the language... please forgive me.... anyways... I'll see about adding Tear later. Maybe on another chapter with Luke and Tear in it... anyways, once agaon, thank you for the read and please share this story around. I understand this isn't my story, but I also want you guys to enjoy this story. Once again, NONE OF THIS IS MINE!!! Thank you for understanding and please leave your comments. Thank you! (^-^)

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