Moving on with the Introductions...

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Mormo and I would start making our way to the inn. A really nice blue roofed building covered in nice vines. We entered through the door and looked around. There was a small billboard to our right on the railings. A small flight of four steps was in front of us. The first three had bottles of ale to the far left and a long chest would be on the fourth step that also counted as the floor.

The inn had a small carpet and two flattened roots to serve as tables with crates that served as chairs. A woman was behind the counter and menus would be on either side of her. We looked around to see four people, Chester being one of them. Another man, whom was sitting at a table eating, looked to be a member of Ad Libitum. So, Mormo and I made our way over to him.

"Hello." I said. "My I sit here?" I asked as I gestured to the seat in front of him. The young man nodded, still eating. "So, you're the new recruits, huh?" The man spoke between mouthfuls. We nodded. "I'm Reid Herschel." He said, introducing himself. "Nice to meet you! I'm Mormo and that's Kai." Mormo said, smiling. "Okay." Reid replied before going back to eating. "Uh......." Mormo could only stare at Reid.

"...What?" I shrugged. "Nothing." I said quickly. "Oh. Okay." Reid shrugged. "You want to tell us a little about yourself?" Mormo asked. "Umm, sure... Well, I'm a trained hunter by trade. No hobbies to speak of, except maybe watching the clouds go by.... does that work? I'm not very good at this sort of thing." Reid said. "Yeah, now we have more than just a name and a face. Thanks!" Mormo said, smiling widely.

"Sure, I'll see ya around." Reid smiled and waved as Mormo and I started to leave to go talk to everyone else. "Where to next?" I asked. "The Tool Shop?" Mormo asked. We had snagged up a map of Ailily from the inn and were currently looking at it. "Alright. We could try there..." I said thoughtfully. We made our way there only to regret it. It was nice knowing where it was, and the people were nice, but... it wasn't what we needed. After speaking to some of the other customers, we left. "I will not be listening to you any time soon." I muttered. "We are going to the Blacksmith's now." I stated before making my way there, following the map.

No luck there either. We would sigh and leave after taking and gathering some information. "Great... we have one last place to go..." I said softly. We sighed one again before walking to the Plaza. There, we found Kanonno, Chester, and one other person there. Chester seemed to be fretting over Kanonno.

"Hey, are you hungry? You're not hurt anywhere, are you? Want me to sing your a song?" Chester asked. "Th- thanks, Chester." Kanonno said softly. She sounded a little annoyed. "A song, huh? Okay! Let me just, ahem... Do some warm up exercises. Mi mi mi~" He said. "Um, Chester...?" Mormo started. "What do you want?" Chester asked. "You're smothering her, man. Look, you've got her all startled!" Mormo stated. "Really?" Chester asked. "N-not...really?" Nit even Kanonno sounded too confident in that answer. "There, you hear that? Look, here's 2 gald, now run along." Chester said. "Woohoo! Could you make it any less?! Abd keep your money! Listen! I'm just saying, from where I stand, from what I've seen... You're getting creepy." Mormo would exclaim, irritated. I had to agree with the cat like creature...

"Is it really that bad?" Chester asked. "It's awful. Really awful." I said, deciding to be blunt. "Heh... thanks for breaking it to me gently..." Chester said, chuckling softly. 'Gently?' I thought to myself. "...See?" Mormo asked. "Ah, but... Chester? I do appreciate you looking out for me. It's just that I..." Mormo looked extremely nervous add she spoke. "You do? Well, there you have it! Then I guess there's nothing anyone else can say about it!" Chester said, smiling. Kanonno only sighed. "Ugh, and there he goes again..." I groaned as well before I left. Chester was starting to get annoying.

We then sighed softly and looked around the plaza to find a young boy with with slver hair. He kind of looked like Raine... We walked up to him. "What have we here? A new recruit?" The kid asked before we could speak. My mouth hung open before I shook my head. "...Nice to meet you." I finally said. "You, too. My name's Genis Sage. I guess this means I'm your senior in Ad Libitum."

"I can see the resemblance with Raine. You're her spitting image." Mormo said. "You think so? Well, anyways, try to live up to your duties as a member of Ad Libitum." Genis said, smiling. "...Right. Precocious little punk, ain't he..." Mormo muttered. "Hey, you just thought, "Big mouth for a little kid," didn't you?" Genis snapped. Mormo tried to recover from that as I snickered softly. "Uh, ha ha, of course not. Kratos has given you his seal of approval, hasn't he?" Mormo stammered. "Darn right! Kratos doesn't care about my age. He respects my abilities." Genis snapped.

"Then hold your head up high. You're just projecting your own insecurities about your age onto other people." Mormo said calmly. I had to take a step back at what Mormo said. I was surprised by that. "It's true I'm biologically still a child, but that's it." Genis said. "I want people to forget about my age and just see me as a person."

"You just have to have a little confidence! You're our senior, aren't you?" Mormo asked. "Huh.... Hey! Yeah, I am!" Genis exclaimed, smiling. Mormo and I smiled back. "Anyways, I still have to meet other people so, see ya, Genis!" I said. Genis waved, smiling. "See ya!" He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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