The First War Part 3 Sects of Magic The Scimagi Universesity

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They sat there for a few moments when professor Garning appeared behind them. His approach was not quitet. But as he sighed. He said

"Now you to have you been up talking about the hero's of old again, you know those are only myths stories told over and over they have no Basis in reality.
Now go to your quarter's we have the exam tomorrow and you all need to be restored for the practical Exam 2."

"Yes Professor, we will"

They both said at the same time like they had been in class all day and they are intotal synchronisation.

They walked fast for a moment then slowed down as they approached their quarters. Both next to each other they had an easy time becoming friends. Since they basically lived together Andomada was one of the closest friends she has.

Sabine said,

"goodnight" ,

goodnight" replying Andromeda walked into her room

As Andomada replies she adds tone to her last word, the night was more of a yell as they closed their doors. Sabine was almost about to lay down when she felt something. It was a flash of white and her vision blurred as she sat down.

"What's happing to me!"

She then blanked out, her vision started as feelings, deep fellings of love and friendship. Then she started to see things. A strange man with white wings and a light that was luminescent. Neon like white, then she felt lost like she was going to die. And the as the heavens opened up to reveal light and a sun so warm it melted the Snow. She had never seen snow but it was there. In her visions.

As Sabine wiped the sweat from her Brow. She sat up in her bed, it was just about morning and she has been sitting here for 2h thinking about that vision she had never felt anything like it. What did it mean why was she seeing visions of that. And as the pictures replayed over in her head Andromeda knocked in her door.

"Sabine wake up ,Sabine are you up?

As.the room was still cold from the morning. She felt it when she got out of bead. The clean crisp air was nipping her cheek as the window was still open.

" Yes I'm up" she said softly the mornings where never her favourite time of the day. But she did thank Andromeda for being so energised

"What happened to you, usually we talk through the vent, but last night I could not get your attention
What happened?"

She asked her friend Sabine who seemed to be a bit out of it.

"Huh what, sorry I was just thinking about something."

As they went to the mess, where the good was prepared and ready, Sabine was scared she had not feared the exam before. But she was able to overcome that fear by imagining that it was a different feeling.

There was a moment of silence when they entered the room. But after a few seconds they all spoke up and together.

"What do you think the exam is about, the practical Exam that is?"

Asked Andromeda who was average at best with Scimagi she had only practiced in the training simulation. Never sommond a Tech Magic being before. She was nervous but she had her friend Sabine.

"You will be fine Andromeda, you have to believe a little more in yourself. Believe you will succeed."

She added as she drew food from the cloud that held the plate. It's a system that keeps the food fresh for as long as it's inside the cloud bubble. She plucked the plate of breakfast, when its bubble popped the smell was realised and she could tell it was fresh.

The floating plates are part of the monasterys Magical Automatic system it's food, heat, and cleanliness is all run by the Magical technology that is contained in the roof
Nobody has entered or left that chamber in over 15000 years. Not since the first Magi built this place in 84950AI after ice-age.

Back then there was little knowledge about magic besides the ancient books of power that are held in the in library at Langahand Island the ancient place where all knowledge and magic steam from.

The keepers of the the ancient ways have all but died. But the connection between magic and technology has progressively grown into the seven classes of Magical and metaphysical sectors.

Where those who wish to train in specific areas of magic others like the classification of Scimagi who studied science, technology and magic. The most common is Elememagi those who studie the chemical engineering along with Mana and Magical interactions. And Mechanical engineering, along with Physics and Quantum mechanics.

Those who study the influence and impact on reality and where it is theorised to stream from. The Sect STEM has the broader and more in-depth research and studies of the nature of science and technology engineering and maths, which are the basic Starting points for all Scimagi Students.

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