The Order of the flaming Dragon part 8

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The mountain tribe's of the snowy mountains of Alanari, the mountain men grew up higt in the atmosphere. Making their loungs more versatile at low oxygen environments. They build citys connecting together through the great mountings of the north. The ranges are 3750miles wide and twice as long. They have 5000 large cityd made entirely of stone carved from the mountains that where formed over 7500 million years ago on the planet Alikanoré. In the galaxy Euplayities of the Southern Galaxy web in earth 0017D .

The order of the flaming dragons descendants of the gry army who after the world changed where turned back to human form after all magic vanished from the world.

They struggled to survive off the land as all they knew was war. Until eventually the farmers and monks of the north chose to teach a handful of the Army's generals. Who viewed never to raise a sword or Shield again. There was a time of peace as they moved up into the mount a hundred years after the event. The snow reminded them of the ice City's they use to dwell in.

Some who lived for over 3000 seasons, made a tribe that was the first to live in seclusion. They where the first of the mountain men. And as the thousands of years rolled by. They built an Empire in the mountains where no man had survived before. 

After 15000 years passed, they had billions of men and women who fight for the hord. And die for their land and family. There's the 1st tribe All direct descendants of the ancient Generals of the grey. And where infused with the albino and where tall strong but half blind and capable of hearing a bird cherp a mile away.

They where in charge of scouting and guards patrolling the surrounding land for intruders and or invaders. There was moments when they feel like nothing will get past them.

Then there's the fang-ka-dom clan The tribe of the underground. They lived in the depths of the mountains and gathered gold, silver, bronze, platinum, diamonds, and other gems like Quartz.

As the mountain tribe's grew the Albino hunters where directly connected to the old ways. And they used classic methods for Mining and, prospecting. Their rules where, never steel from the hord. Never betray the hord.

Their saying goes as they grew more in number with each season that passed. Unlike the magical kingdom they where warlords that can take what they want when they want it. As 15000 passed they had grew so large In number they broke the billion. When they skyrocketed beyond the billion to two they wanted the world and their ruler, Dat-Sūon was rallying the tribes to take the world. It begins.

Each tribe and war clan are designated a land to pillage and enslave, unknown to the rest of Alinari they went on with their lives without a clue as to the destruction of the lower lands as they live in the high Plain's above the clouds, the difference between the magic realm and the physical one is that they had to choose to live in seclusion away from other civilisations.

When the world got back magic they went on with study and research. But those in the Lower mountain ranges, those of the Mountain clan's where grouped together and capable of taking entire citys in one night. The city of Alinari has a population of about 4.5billion and the science and Magi communitys are hidden from the world. But only accessed by the city's centre of commercial and trade.

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