the first war part 4 The Alinagon's Alinari

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As the students sat for their first-year exams, the army of the Mountain Worrier Tribes gathered in the southern Islands of Ananamtiuos. Their two billion men were split into several large groups called War Parties. The first War Party was called the Digecks, and their flag was held in every second row by the flag bearers. Their flag was made with a gold-gilded Grafgon, the mythical beast of war, and they were considered the highest-ranking warrior clan.

The second War Party was in the mountains of the North, just a day's walk from the first. Their Bannerman carried the claw and axe crest with the double triangle around the outside made of silver.

The third War Party was further south than the first, and it was the largest, with 670 million men. They were all fed by the Magi of The Mountains, called The One-Eye Raven, a man who single-handedly united all the Northanmen. Their conquests have been told as far as Dentraminha, the furthest city front he Scimagi University. The third War Party had a combination of three flags flown on the giant called Cycobus. They captured him in the mountains ten years ago when they were only a thousand men. Now, their ranks are extensive, and their skill is unmatched by any army in Alanari.

The realm has been known as Alanari ever since the first king's rise to power in 85,790 AI. Back then, there was no governing body of the entire realm, but King Amphous Seriion Alanari named the entire world as far as the eye could see after his last name. Amphous was a strong Mage who built the entire government that covers the world still to this day, 14,931 years ago. Back then, there were extensive records and research into magic, but nobody had combined it with synthetic and Anamaimatronic reanimation of the undead. After the Mana wars of the 9080s, Evan, at 5,000 years of civilization, still had not mastered technology and magic fusion, and Amphous Seriion Alanari did not die; his immortality was somewhat of a mystery to all of Alanari.

Nobody knew he was the same ruler from long ago, as his rule of the land was just as tight a grip as the rule over the magical realm. The year 90,560 AI marked a significant breakthrough when the leaders at the time handed the ruler, who was a magic-sensitive person at the time but didn't know it, a book called the Infanitum Paracopylos. It was the first time anyone had learned magic without prior learning. His hands started to glow blue, a bioluminescent blue that then became the symbol for the entire world after that same leader Amphous Seriion Alanari.

He is still alive to this day but has not been seen in public for over 9000 years. Some say the rumour is that he left for the magical monastery as it was known back in the day and never came back to the kingdom. Others say he lives in isolation inside the bowels of the mountain where the Magic University was built.

The Fourth and Fifth War Parties are in the central farmland of Warsitur, the central city of the kingdoms of Alanari. These men are the direct descendants of the king and are the arms and legs organization.

The MSF (Mountain Special Factions) living in the wild and civilization are in the 5th and 6th War Parties. They need a special set of tactics and training exercises that test and endure them.

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