the first war Part 5 the secret test

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As the others finished their theory for their exams.

"Sabin Dranki yoy are up next so get your theory practice Spells you have Created."

Professor Garning added as the classmate that finished said, as she sat down. As she tucked her hair behind her head. She was new to the university of Scimagi and had wealthy parents and she had pressure to do all passed. She didn't want to disappoint her Parents. She swallows nervously as she pulls in her seat.

"That was more easy then I was expecting, Alinagon/god I hope I did well."

Professor Garning held his hand up and then said,

"And Andromeda you will be doing your practical Exam when Sabine dose her demonstration."

There was moments that Sabine was nervous to. But she had studied her entire life, come up from the poorest of families in the kingdoms of Alanari. They had to fight off raiders, demon's and Monsters from Realms between, called the Contigrious and Disconbigion realm. The realms are connected and some beings can be summoned with crystal called anchors.

The anchor is there to ground the signature that is connected to their 16 dimensions all with a base element. The base creates the perfect catalyst for the Summoning. Only high level Master Anchoration. Only when you have been at the University for 7 years dose a student get the privilege of joining the Master Ranks.

There was a system here and those who egnor the system get banned from.using magic. And are suspended from joining anything remotely close to scimagi.

When Sabine steps forward she was clammy and. Her brow sweat. But she seemed calm and her expression went from worry to cool confidence. She was standing there and she then pulled out her Wrist Brace and moved her hands up and around. In a 2 half circles as it touches it popped out like a sparking jumping lights. The fairy lights where like sparks individual and pulsating.

Her practical Exam was to make a new spell from existing practices only used by The Scimagi University. As the light show looked like to was getting better she popped her hand into the arrays of lights. When her first popped through the centre it drew the anchor of Light energy.

The room was at awe the had not seen a summoning technique before. No first year student has ever attempted a spell like this. The room was dimmly lit as the mechanism dropped from a portal for a moment then hit the ground and started transforming. The tech was powered by manna the inner vitality that exist in every Magic sensitive person in the Realms Alinari.

When there was silence the thing was fully formed by the time the portal disappeared. And the anchor was absorbed by the Monster being spawned here.

"That was unique, how did you manage to create a stable Connection and have the anchor in constant flux how is that possible. Nobody's been able to do Summoning and maintain the summons indefinitely"

Professor Garning approached the mechanical Magical marvel and he said one word,

"Impossible, I need you to demonstrate its loyalty to you, and order it to follow you to the Summoning Sects in the lowest of the University's Ground's. When you find a door with Ancient one I want you to go see him. He will test.yoir experiment. Now go Andromacha your up now!"

Sabine ordered the Abyss Walker when it moved as she moved its eyes went blue, and it changed shape, it moved its mechanisms that mad up it's chest and as it's transformation was completed it looked like a human. Nothing like it was, but its eyes went from blue to green then it stood back and waited for it to follow her.

As the new first successful permanent anchor summoning in the Kingdoms history, she was proud but she still has to find out if it's safe And stable.

She walked down the steps and the mechaoid was more then capable of stepping down steps although it looked at the arrangement of stone for a cuppa minutes. It copies her stepps, she moved down two it moved down. Its eyes where blank smoke Quartz.

Then as if it was leaning and updating its knowledge each second leaning everything about her.

'It can't be intelligent, can it she thought'

When she made it down the seven level of stairs that lead to a hallway that branches of into 4 hallways where the red door was right at the last one, as she walked through the fourth hallway she noticed that the walls where not individual bricks. But made up of an entire solid piece.

The walls where carved with stone that looks Evan older then the solid piece. It was cracked and decayed.

Mabey centuries old, maby Evan before the first kingdoms.

 Order of the flaming dragon first warحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن