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{Natsu's POV}

I sat down on the cold, rock floor. The steel chains wrapped around my wrists, ankles and neck for security reasons. Why couldn't I simply melt them, you ask? Because the chains are not ordinary chains they prevent energy or magic to be released So basically it stops us from using our abilities. I'm not the ordinary Natsu that you see smiling and in a happy mood anymore.. I'm the new Natsu, the Natsu that would kill anyone who stood anywhere near me. Once I heard footsteps coming towards me my eyes shot upwards to look at the door, my head stayed downwards so the person couldn't see my eyes. Everything was metal and even was the door, I had nothing but the toilet and tissue {Of course, what did you think, he was going to poop on the floor?.. Nu-uh..} there was a flap at the bottom of the door which was were my food was passed through. Since I was chained and the chains wouldn't allow me near the door or else I would break it entirely, they pushed the plate through the flap and it came sliding towards me.

Since I don't eat much I became skinnier but not as much, I still had muscles and a fit body. I don't have as much scars but only a few since the weaklings I used to fight were so weak they couldn't even touch me, one single blow and they were out. I remember just when I blasted up the entire fairy tail building, as the smoke had disappeared I left. No-one was happy but were left scared since I punched gray so hard he went flying and crashing through people's houses, Erza tried to stop me but I started giving millions of punches until she was so focused in the punches I tripped her over and beat her up while she laid there helplessly on the floor. Our master wasn't in and I don't know the hell where but I'm glad he wasn't, if he was he would stop me and make me look like a weakling. I then noticed I was deep in thoughts that I didn't even notice the faint chatter outside, since I was stuck here my hearing became greater so I now hear anything until the outside door.

~Faint Chattering~

"How come!?"
"None of us trust you.. You will get him mad and will break free, the last thing we need is him breaking free.."
"It's not like it's the end of the world or something.."
"It took us 19 years to hunt him down and finally capture him.. 19 years... If he breaks free, God knows what will happen, might even be the end of our lives.."
"His anger will build very quickly.. Once it's built it will overpower the chains and break them, those are the strongest chains we have ever had.. "
"Please trust me! I promise I won't annoy him! That's the last thing on my mind anyways! All I want to do is see him!-.."

~Chatter Finished~

And that was all I heard.. I was quite surprised that someone actually wanted to see me however I didn't want to see anyone. They would just annoy me and get on my nerves, and I surely know it's no-one from fairy tail.. Since what I did to their building. 'Ugh I'm sick of spending my time in this place! I'm so sick of seeing this place every morning!..' I thought in anger, but it's true. I would see this place morning, midday, afternoon, evening and night! Every single time in my life I see this place. I don't even remember what the outside place looks like anymore! I tries pulling my wrists and neck as well, I stood up and kicked the tray of food at the door. "There's no damn fire, I can't recharge myself. Plus I can't eat my own fire, I can't even make a single flame anywhere in my body..." My pupils becoming thin slits, showing most of the anger Plus the expression I was putting on.

I tried pushing myself to the limit Trying to at least create a tiny flame, which simply failed. I was so mad right now, I couldn't describe how mad I was. And it wasn't just today I was like this, I was like this since the day I first got here! And trust me, that was pretty long. Once I got to my limit I fainted and fell hard into the floor, hearing the chains hit the floor before everything became dark and I lost consciousness.

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