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{Natsu's POV}

"Im going to warn them of your arrival.." Gray pushed past the door however i could still hear it "Gray, when are you going to give up already-" He had cut who-ever was talking, I didnt remember who's voice was who's so.. "Natsu is outside with the guards.. Just to let you know.." Everyone stayed silent.. 'Ugh..' "How long am i going to stay out here for??.." Everyone jumped and started stuttering.. "You may come in now.." 'Finnaly..' The guards pushed open the door and i walked silently into the room, My expression now plain and simple. "Humph.. As boring as it ever was.." i muttered under my breath, looking around as everyone looked at me.. once i found this rather uncomfortable. I decided to say whether i have a room or not. "No.. Y-You dont have a room, However you can share with Gray, since he's the only one with two beds.." 'Ugh why, why, why, why!..' "Fine then.. Come on then.." He nodded and rushed to guide me to our room.

As i walked past i heard "Why is Natsu here!.." Or "He scares me.. Alot.. I feel like fainting evertime i look at him, He's so scary.." and other suff. As we reached our room, he opened the door and i threw myself on the bed.. "I forgot how comfy beds where.." the phrase seemed to sadden him. I took the chains from my wrists and had a slight rush of energy rush to me... i winced as the blood seeped from the cuts i had on my wrists, his eyes widened "N-Natsu,.. All those cuts.. H-How.?.." I simply sighed, up for a round of excplination "The people there in the prison treated me horribly.. they kicked me, Tossed me.. Acted as if i were junk...While wearing the chains of course.. if not, They wouldnt be alive today.. So thats how i got the bruises.. I got the scratches from the Chains.. their tight and sharp so they scratch me alot.. These scars are when i used to beat up some guards when they thought they could 'Trust me' without the chains.. Which was a mistake.." In his eyes showed horror, Did he really care for me That much?..

"Sorry, Did i cause you to feel like this-?.." i was suddenly cut off by him hugging me!? "Natsu! You dont know how Long ive been waiting for this day, where i finnaly get to see you again.." ... 'Im not meant to have feelings, Im not meant to have feelings, im not meant to have feelings!.. then why do i feel so warm inside..' "I.." He got up and looked at me, 'Think of something else think of something else!' i felt a cold breeze sweep past my neck, 'Oh Right!' "My scarf!.." he gave a little smile and went to fetch it.. Once he left, i was alone in the room.. "..ugh.. these feelings are corrupting me.. i dont even know what it is.. it makes me warm inside.. but i only came to be free'd and would leave straight after.." i muttered to myself. "But if that's so.. why am i not leaving right now.." i gave a frustrated sigh and waited until gray got back.

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