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{Gray's POV}

I burst in through the door in a grumpy mood as everyone stopped their actions to look toward me. Throwing myself on a random chair next to me and slumped down huffing and placing my face on my hands, everyone went back to their actions. "I told you Gray, it wont work.." Lucy exclaimed, happy flew over here and sat on the table "Come on gray, don't be so down.." i clenched my fists and tried ignoring them. "Gray probably needs some alone time.. He must have stressed a lot i imagine.." Mira offered the 'alone time' treatment for me, They nodded and headed to another place, somewhere where they thought they wouldn't disturb me.

As i sat in stress i heard other peoples conversations about me. "Man, he's really worried about Natsu even though Natsu is a Criminal.." One of them said in a smooth tone, "I imagine him beatin' all the guards and actually meetin' Natsu again.. But that aint' ever gonna happen, All but a dream to him.." I rolled my eyes, 'Hmm.. What if... Ah! A great idea!.. I'm 100% sure this will work!..' i thought and rushed out of here, Some giving sighs and others not even bothering to notice me leaving.

{Natsu's POV}

All my life I've been stuck here in this dark place; i don't know what day it is, I don't know what the sky looks like anymore, i don't know what it is like outside, i don't even know how to interact with others anymore. All i have right now is all my magic/Energy being contained inside me, unable to bring it out however. The chains on my wrists cause blood and scratched every time i try to force these bars of, What kept me thinking they could simply fall of any moment was the sentence 'They are just chains, they will soon become old and rusty and will brake of that easily.. It could happen any moment now..' Even though i kept repeating that to myself i couldn't help but to think 'What if these chains never fall off and i die here.. No-one will notice.. No-one..'

As i started thinking of that memories of the guild.. I forgot the name, Fairy something.. Ah, Fairy tail. Those moments when me and my team would go on lots of adventured, the way me and Gray used to fight a lot.. i miss those times however, no-one there even misses me for what I've done.. probably having fun over there while I'm here suffering all this pain! I sighed and shuffled to get a better position then i was in now, Once i did i could hear chattering outside once again..


"Not you again!.. i told you once, i wont tell you again-!.."

"Enough! you haven't heard what i was going to say yet!.."

"True.. Spill it Frostie.."

"I was thinking on going in there to ask Natsu if he wanted to join.. if not i would leave him behind, But if he wanted to come back.. I would let him come.. BUT with the chains so he wouldn't use his powers.."

"............ You know what, That is actually a good idea.. Ill allow you.. But i don't entirely trust you.. if you do something bad, you will be reported to the council.."


~Chatter faded~

The chatter was replaced with footsteps coming my way, 'Come Back? Frostie?.. Who is this guy' I thought, The footsteps coming closer to the door and i stood facing down. The blood still trickling down my wrists and neck, The door then unlocked and i relaxed myself as it opened. "........." I Stayed facing my legs. "N-Natsu?.." The voice sounded familiar however i didn't know who it was with ought looking up, The shadows covering my eyes as a plain expression was glued to my face. "Natsu..." He started moving forward But i looked upwards, Revealing My Dark, Soulless eyes. And who stood there.. W-Was.. "G-Gray.." My eyes became teary and my vision became blurry 'This is the perfect way to get out of this place..' "Natsu.. Do you want to come back to fairy tail..??" I gave a fake smile which he thought of as a Real smile I Nodded "Yeah.. I don't want to stay in this place anymore.." I Let out a few tears and he went over and unhooked the chains from the wall, Taking the chain from the neck to reveal scars and scratches.

This horrified the Raven and he stood up, "Lets go.." i nodded and got up and followed Gray, 'He's My ticket out of this place.. Finally!!..' As we excited The guard allowed some Other Guards to follow for safety.. As we walked through the city, Everyone was gasping and backing up as far as possible from me.. 'Everything is so beautiful.. its a shame when I'm let out its going to be destroyed.. Humph..' I Chuckled mentally as we walked toward Fairy tail..

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