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{Natsu's POV}

Midnight, I laid in my bed silently since everyone is now sleeping. I glared at the blank ceiling as the wind swept in through the slightly opened window, i sighed turned on my side to see gray sleeping peacefully in his bed. I haven't seen anyone sleep in days, i haven't slept myself lately. The chains haven't allowed me to sleep, they kept scraping against my skin. I continued to watch him sleep as emptiness fogged my mind completely, the way he looked while he was sleeping seems to calm me down a little. I narrowed my eyes and sat up now walking to the window in utter silence, my eyes glancing outside at the midnight sky which now was filled with millions of stars. The view leaving me at peace however the silence always gets on my nerves, i've lived with the silence long enough and i'm already getting sick of it. I nearly jumped out of the window when i felt a slight tug on my trousers, i looked down to see gray [still in bed] tugging me ''Aren't you going to sleep??..'' i mentally huffed 'Waking up in the middle of the night just to see if im sleeping?.. Wow..' I was surprised, for someone who would always argue with you is now this attached?? i glared at his frozen, blue eyes for a while, without showing a simple expression i soon responded to his question.

''No.. I haven't fallen asleep since the time i was caught.'' I saw his eyes grow wide and his grip tighten, ''Wh.. W-Why??..'' I lowered my eyelids just a bit and slid down the wall until i was sitting with my knees facing upwards and my feet connected to the floor. ''Tell me this Gray.. Why do you care much about my life... Did you really miss me that much..??'' I leaned my arms against my knees, letting my eyes glue to the plain ceiling. There was a long pause which brang silence... And you know how i hate silence, i waited for his response quietly but still glaring at the ceiling. ''I..... Its just that.... I.. It didn't feel the same here without you, Natsu.. Its too quiet.. everytime i hear silence, it reminds me of you shouting and making a chaos in here..'' I clenched my hands together making to tight balls. ''I missed you too much.. '' I turned my head to glance at his crystal blue eyes, the bright moonlight lightening up the room and making his eyes sparkle [And mine too], His hand now tightened on my shirt. The atmosphere was soft and gentle as Gray leaned from his bed and i sat on the floor, i then felt his hand slide upwards to my chest. My heart started racing and my body began to get hotter while he gripped on the V of my shirt and pulled me slowly and our faces came closer and closer.. My cheeks burned and my ears were on fire, our faces now slightly apart with both my hands on the rim of the mattress and his left hand gripping my shirt while his right hand rested on my collar bone. 'What is this feeling... i've had it since i entered the room.. Is it getting hot in here or is it just me..? No but seriously.. my body is acting on its own..' I leaned in slightly and so did he leaving a inch gap between us.

A part of me told me to back off but most of me told me to lean in. I suddenly was pulled into a kiss which surprised me, not a lot though.. I very slowly start melting into the kiss which was given to me by gray. His smooth hand moving to the back of my neck, i opened my eyes a little before realising what i was doing. i pushed him away by suddenly grabbing his shoulders and shoving him backwards, he looked pretty hurt but its not my problem.. Im not meant to have any fealings for anyone! I just came here to be freed nothing else.. I cleaned my mouth and cleared my throat, standing up and walking over to my bed. By the time i was layed down i spotted that Gray had layed back and faced the other way, still hurt. I had another feeling hit me, it wasn't the feeling that i had when he.. kissed me.. its probably a feeling to apolagize to him. I pushed the thought out my head and laid back down in silence and waited for morning to come, sometimes watching him, looking around the room or glaring outside the window.

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