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After practically dragging me to my room and slamming the door, Vesper sat me on my bed and I looked up at him fearfully. "What are you? Are you going to kill me?" I asked frantically. I gripped the bedsheets in my hands so tightly that I could feel my nails digging into my palms through the fabric.

A chuckle escaped him, something I had not heard before. The sound stunned me. "No. That was never our intention." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Listen carefully. What I'm about to tell you may come off as quite unbelievable." I hesitantly nodded as I bit my lip. "We aren't human. We're vampires," he stated.

My eyes widened and shock overwhelmed me. "N-no. No, that's not true. There's no way it's true..!" I denied. I slid away from him and further onto the bed. "Y-y-you're lying!" I shouted. I got off of the bed from the other side of it and kept my distance. "I-I'm leaving. Right now," I said hurriedly.

I began making my way to the door, but he appeared directly in front of me. I gasped. "I'm afraid you can't do that. Especially after what my brother has caused. As unfortunate as it is, you now have to stay here, where either myself or my brother can keep an eye on you. Just to make sure you don't babble about vampires existing, that is." He sighed in an annoyed manner.

My eyes shot open wide. "No, I refuse to stay here! I'll find somewhere else! There's nothing to babble about because you're lying. V-vampires don't exist! They're made up f-fairy tales to keep children inside at night!" I laughed bitterly, crossing my own arms.

Vesper groaned. "Whether you believe the truth or not, you aren't allowed to leave!!" He growled. His eyes glowed red as he took a step towards me. My breath hitched and I stumbled backwards. I lost my footing and tripped. The look of surprise on his face was the last thing I saw before I hit my head and everything went black.

"So, do sunlight and garlic really hurt vampires?" I asked curiously as I sat down on the stone bench. I looked up at the raven haired male sitting beside me.

He smiled softly. "No. They don't, actually. However, fire and stakes are more reliable," he responded with a chuckle. I stared at him. Why would he tell me how to kill him? Either he trusted me or he didn't think I was capable enough to do something to harm him. "It's not that I think you are incapable, printesa. I would like to think that you wouldn't do anything to betray my brother and I. Even after our little.. fiasco yesterday," he said slowly.

I looked at him in shock. "How did you-? Did I say that out loud?" I gasped, gripping the edges of the bench. I bit my lip in embarrassment.

He laughed. The sound reminded me of a lullaby. "No, you didn't. Think about it, printesa, it really is such a simple thing." He smiled widely. My brows furrowed in confusion until I understood. I looked up at him in an unsure manner. He could read minds then? He nodded and I snapped my head to look back up at him. His silver eyes stared into mine. "Correct. Any thoughts you have, I can see them all," he stated in a teasing tone.

I blushed in embarrassment as my eyes widened. "Wait, so does that mean that Vesper can too?" I rushed out. I may or may not have cursed him out in my mind when I got annoyed with him once before.

Shiva chuckled and placed his hand on his face. "No, however, do you think I should inform him of the nasty words you said to him in your thoughts?" He hummed. I quickly and frantically shook my head. He laughed again. "Vesper cannot read people's minds, but he has a sort of sixth sense. When something big is coming- good or bad- he has a certain feeling. He's never explained it to me personally, but in his head, sometimes it's a mixture of hate and dread or excitement," he explained.

Everything started fading until it was all pitch black. The only thing I could feel was pain and dizziness. What happened? Where am I? I looked around. There was nothing. It was as if I was locked in a void.

My breathing picked up in a panic. "Hello?! Is anyone there!? Please! I don't want to be alone!!" I cried. I turned around. Nothing. I turned again. All I could see was darkness. It was like nothing existed.

My head suddenly hurt and I groaned in pain. I grabbed my head and fell to my knees. Only, I didn't fall to my knees. Looking around as tears left my eyes, I realized I was just falling. What is this? A nightmare...

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