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It was like I was slowly being pulled from the darkness as I felt my body being shaken. I could hear the faint noise of Shiva's voice, I believe. "Evangeline... Evangeline. Evangeline!" The once muffled voice was soon clear in my ears and I opened my eyes. I was met with the sight of Shiva standing over me with his hands placed on my shoulders. I could faintly see Vesper standing behind him with his arms crossed. Shiva sighed and sat down beside me on the bed. "What is it? What did you see?" He quickly questioned.

My head ached like I'd hit it again. I furrowed my brows as I recalled my dream. No, that was a nightmare. I swallowed as a lump formed in my throat. "It was him. Th-that same man." I subconsciously reached for the scratch on my neck. "He was going to bite me. Just like before." My voice grew shakier with each word I sputtered out.

It was such a frightening thought; that he would've actually gotten to bite me if I had been there just moments later. Shiva looked at Vesper. Said male remained expressionless. My eyes watered. "Who is he? Please, you have to know something," I begged pathetically. Why was this happening?

Shiva gave me a small smile and grabbed my hand. "It's alright, printesa. We don't know who it is, but maybe if you explain everything you saw from start to finish we can help you," he said softly.

I stared at him before I slowly nodded. I sat up and leaned against the headboard of my bed as I took a deep breath. Shiva kept his hold on my hand as he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. It was comforting. I saw Vesper walk closer until he leaned against the side of the bed.

I closed my eyes as I steadied my breathing and focused my mind. I reopened my eyes and looked at the two vampires before me. "It started out like the other, except I wasn't there. It was as if I was watching it happen. Somehow though, I knew it hadn't happened yet." I started to use my free hand to twist my hair around as I stared down at my lap. The vision flashed clearly in my mind. "There were three men. One of them didn't want the other two there. He was upset, but one of the others said that they were friends. He called him a name, I can't remember what it-" I trailed off as I grabbed my head. It hurt more as I tried to remember what the name was.

Shiva leaned over to look me in the eyes. "Don't force it. It will come to you, printesa," he stated soothingly. I stared into his silver eyes and gradually nodded in understanding.

I took a deep breath. "One of the outsiders looked straight at me after saying something I couldn't hear." I swallowed and gazed at the two vampires before me. Shiva's brows furrowed. "It was as if everything else faded away and it was just the two of us. When I looked into his eyes, I-I couldn't move." My voice cracked. "All I could do was stare as he walked towards me. He grabbed me and leaned down to bite me." I grabbed my neck again and held it in a tight grip. "He nearly did, but... you woke me up." I glanced up at them once more. "Thank you," I said gratefully.

Vesper frowned and walked over to the other side of the bed. "Describe what he looked like. Details, woman," he stated in a demanding voice. Shiva quickly glared at him, but the white haired male paid him no mind.

I furrowed my brows and gripped the blanket in my hands. What did he look like? "He was tall, long hair, dark skin, and he was dressed in crimson clothing. Oh, but I cannot forget the purple eyes. Just the thought of them terrifies me." I trembled.

Vesper took another step closer to me and I looked up at him. "Purple eyes?" He hummed. Growing nervous under his gaze, I slowly nodded. He and Shiva made eye contact. They seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Shiva stood up, looking serious. "Evangeline," his calm voice grabbed my full attention. "We might know who it is. And if we're right..." He stole another glance at his brother before looking back at me. That only made me even more scared. "This is a lot bigger than we initially thought." He finished.

I leaned forward in anticipation. "Who is it? Please, tell me. I must know!" I exclaimed. My heart pounded in my chest.

Vesper's frowned deepened. "It's not just one. We fear that you've caught the attention of an entire clan. A clan that's known for striking fear into the hearts of all," he stated in a more serious tone than what he usually used.

I stared at the two vampires. There was a lump in my throat that I could not swallow, my stomach was filled with nerves, and my heart beat so fast I felt my body was going to break.

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