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I observed the room as the door opened in front of my face. "Ah, here we are. Home sweet home, my dear," Altair said from beside me. His body was unnecessarily close to my own and his hands were placed on each of my shoulders.

Before I could get a word out he shoved me into the room and slammed the door. I heard a click and rushed towards the wooden surface. I grabbed the knob and tried opening the door. Locked. From behind it I heard Altair let out a loud laugh. "Sleep well, Evie," he whispered through the barrier between us. For once, he actually sounded gentle.

The way he spoke to me and how he treated me, it struck fear in my heart. With shaky breath, I turned to look behind me and gazed around. The room was encased in darkness, but I could make out minor details due to the moonlight slipping in from the windows. There were paintings on the walls, two open windows, a fireplace, and two lamps. I saw the bed in the far back as I took a step further into the room.

I shivered as a breeze blew in from the windows. I hugged myself tightly and rushed over to one of them. I gripped it and began to pull it shut. However, I paused. I glanced around outside and then towards the ground. My heart leaped as I stared downward.

I held onto the sill in a tight grip as I leaned over. It was so high up, being on the fourth floor. Why were there four floors anyways? My hair blew in the wind while I heard a wolf's howl. I trembled at the loud sound. It sounded nearby.

The wolves. They were what helped Altair against Vesper and Shiva. Oh, I do hope they're alright. Was it really just me that he was after? Did I indirectly cause harm to the brothers then?

I solemnly sighed and sat on the floor as I leaned my face on my palm. What was Altair going to do to me? What would happen if he found out that I am a seer? The brothers were okay, right?

~{Third POV}~

Evangeline peeled her eyes open until they were in a squint. She looked around and panicked, as she didn't remember where she was. Her breathing escalated as she sat up. Bits and pieces slowly came back to her.

However, a chuckle resonated throughout the room and caused her to jolt in surprise. Her eyes trailed over to a figure on the chair across from the bed. They made contact with a man with long brown hair who was dressed in black. His features made him look gentle and sweet, but from Evangeline's previous experience involving the man, she knew he was quite the opposite.

Altair smiled at her. "Good morning, dear Evie. How did you sleep?" He inquired as he stood up. She shrunk away from him and brought her knees up to her chest. The man let out a humorous laugh at her reaction and he sat down at the end of the bed. "I'm not going to hurt you... yet." He smirked.

The girl released an involuntary whimper at his words and his smirk widened. "You don't need me. Just let me go back home," she begged, gripping her ankles.

The man shook his head. "You really think that place is your home, where a sinister monster could eat you alive at any moment?" He cooed teasingly. He leaned closer to the girl. "You must know that you're much safer here than with those beasts, right?" He hummed.

She stared into his dark eyes as his face was directly in front of hers. Her breathing ceased out of fright. He didn't make a move. She could only assume he was waiting for her answer. "N-no. No, I'm not. I-I know them. I don't even know what you are!" She exclaimed as her heart pounded in her chest.

He leaned back and let out a growl, staring down at his lap. He suddenly snapped his head back up to show an agitated look on his face. However, his eyes were dilated and glowing a bright amber colour, and his fanged teeth were bared.

Evangeline jumped in shock and fear as she gasped at the sight. If she could've backed up any further she would've. Her reaction seemed to please him. His eyes returned to normal and he let out a loud, taunting laugh.

He soon gave her a smile. "You know, werewolves are meant to protect others from vampires. It is quite literally the reason we were created," he informed her.

She stared at him with furrowed brows and her lips pursed. "Werewolves? Y-you- you were created to protect people f-from vampires?" She stammered quietly.

He tilted his head, his hair falling from his shoulders. "Vampires... they are abominations. A force against nature. They were never meant to be created. And to counter that mistake, werewolves were created. We're hunters that hunt down vampires. We protect humans from them as much as we can," he explained.

Evangeline studied him. "Wh-who created them?" She questioned nervously. She had relaxed a bit into the bed, but still had her knees pressed to her chest.

Altair smiled, proud that she was calming down. He did enjoy scaring her though. "A selfish woman. Her lover was dying and she used a spell to try to turn him immortal." Evangeline didn't think that made her selfish. The woman did it for love. "However, what she created was a creature that needed blood to survive. The thirst became so much that he hunted down villages and killed a thousand innocents. Even through it all, the witch still loved him," he stated. He paused to see that Evangeline was completely entranced by the story. His smile softened at the sight of her curious look. "When other witches found out, they forced her to create a counter species, something strong enough to battle the vampires' speed, strength, and to an extent, age. The new spell required the work of five witches and the body and soul of a human.

However, after they casted the spell, they were ambushed and murdered by a small clan of vampires- turned by the monster. The witch's lover tore her heart out and cursed her for betraying him." He finished. "Fortunately, the newly turned werewolf was able to make it out alive, taking out most of the vampires in the process." He quickly added with a small and soft smile.

The woman stared at him in shock. "He-he killed her? B-But she did that f-for him..." she muttered. Her eyebrows furrowed in sadness.

Altair felt something spark inside him at her compassion. "I know, my dear. He believed that she had turned against him, what a fool," he mumbled. He thought to himself that if he had a lover like that, he would've treasured her and treated her better than a queen. He watched her expression of sympathy as she frowned. He reached his hand out and his fingertips brushed against the side of her face, holding deep eye contact with her before they were interrupted by a howl. He gasped and immediately got to his feet. In a second, he was looking out the window, his claws digging into the sill. "Vampires." He growled. He turned back towards the strawberry haired girl. "Stay here," he ordered before leaving the room.

Evangeline heard the door lock as she stood up. Everything had just happened so fast. She could still practically feel his warm fingers grazing along her cold skin. In a hurry, she looked around. She wasn't about to sit back and wait. What if it was Shiva and Vesper?

Hope flooded through her veins as she dug through sheets, drawers, cushions, shelves until she opened one last drawer at the bottom of the vanity. She bit her lip in excitement as she pulled out a pin. She rushed over to the door and crouched before it. She bit her tongue as she inserted the pin into the lock.

She began twisting and twisting- nearly breaking the pin a few times- before she heard a click and she turned the knob. The door eased open without so much as a creak. Her face lit up with a smile, as if she was proud of herself. Her little siblings were always good at lock-picking. She was just glad she picked up the skill as well.

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