Surrera-All Through The Night

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"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." – Thomas Edison

The love inside-the love that can't be're welcome to try, but you needn't bother

We have no past we won't reach back; Keep with me forward all through the night
And once we start the meter clicks; and it goes running all through the night...
Until it ends there is no end...

Oh the sleep in your eyes is enough-Let me be there let me stay there awhile...


Andy Herrera: Let's HEAR IT, Diane-we can always depend on you to have a 'hot take' on situations...

Diane Lewis: You ASKED, remember that!

AH: Noted.

DL: The first time we met you told me that Sullivan made you feel 'ELECTRIC'-awake all the time, ALIVE...that what you felt for you had never felt for another man-EVER...we met again during the BLM protests for George Floyd: and it was so clear to me how concerned and worried you were for his mental health and physical well-being...he himself related to me how sick and tired he is of having more weapons pointed at him on civilian soil than he ever experienced in wartime. From a purely professional standpoint, I have yet to see anyone-man or woman-go from 'electric' to 'divorce'. Have you spoken to Sullivan?

AH: He won't give me the chance. I refused to speak with him for so long, and I stupidly didn't bother to ask when or how the divorce the petition would be served-he's furious because the process server came during shift change...he was as angry as I've ever seen him.


AH: YEAH...I've tried to talk to him three times, and it's HIS TURN NOW, I guess, to refuse to listen to me.

DL: You're aware that I don't 'take sides'; I listen, observe, and recommend if that's what asked.

AH: Yes, I know that-I'm asking.

DL: You mentioned that you wouldn't listen to him for so long as a reason why he's now rejecting your overtures...take me through that.

Andy recounted how she left her home ten months ago without a word and ignored all calls and texts from her husband for ten months and counting. How she'd had him served a petition for divorce, and how she frequently imagined how to hurt him, contriving scenarios that would cause him maximum damage. She admits to coming to her senses before having sex with Sean Beckett (as a way to hurt her husband) and how angry and hurt she was when HE (Robert) rejected HER requests to talk through their issues.

DL: You're an intelligent woman, Andy; I find it hard to believe that you didn't think to ask about the process.

AH: What the FUCK is that supposed to mean?

DL: You know exactly what the fuck that's supposed to mean. That I believe deep down that you hoped that the service would occur during the shift change to exact revenge, and so that you'd have plausible deniability when the bomb went off.

AH... (indignant): THAT'S...

DL: The truth?!

AH: I don't...maybe. I'm really confused.

DL: Making this a good first step in the process. Make no mistake though: a first step is all that it is.

AH: Yes. Yes, I get that. There's more work to be done, you're saying.

DL: Exactly that. I envision a deep dive into your early childhood, progressing to the middle, teenage, early adulthood, until the present. Each of us is a product of our environment: of our nurturing-or lack of it. From the little I know of you, there's much to unpack. HOWEVER:
let's not waste one another's time unless you intend to do the work: wherever that leads. Yes?"

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